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This package is for version 3.3 of Bioconductor; for the stable, up-to-date release version, see BiocStyle.

Standard styles for vignettes and other Bioconductor documents

Bioconductor version: 3.3

Provides standard formatting styles for Bioconductor PDF and HTML documents. Package vignettes illustrate use and functionality.

Author: Andrzej OleÅ›, Martin Morgan, Wolfgang Huber

Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer <maintainer at>

Citation (from within R, enter citation("BiocStyle")):


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## try http:// if https:// URLs are not supported


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PDF R Script Bioconductor LaTeX Style
PDF R Script Bioconductor LaTeX Style 2.0
HTML R Script Bioconductor style for HTML documents
PDF   Reference Manual
Text   NEWS


biocViews Software
Version 2.0.3
In Bioconductor since BioC 2.13 (R-3.0) (3 years)
License Artistic-2.0
Imports utils
Suggests knitr (>= 1.12), rmarkdown, BiocGenerics, RUnit
Depends On Me curatedBreastData
Imports Me BubbleTree, Rqc
Suggests Me ABAData, ABAEnrichment, affycoretools, AllelicImbalance, AnnotationDbi, AnnotationForge, AnnotationHub, AnnotationHubData, arrayQualityMetrics, ASGSCA, bacon, bamsignals, BayesPeak, baySeq, beadarray, BeadDataPackR, BgeeDB, bigmemoryExtras, bioassayR, BiocParallel, biomformat, biosigner, BitSeq, blima, blimaTestingData, BrowserViz, BrowserVizDemo, bsseq, CAFE, CAnD, Cardinal, CardinalWorkflows, ccrepe, cellity, cellTree, CexoR, ChemmineDrugs, ChemmineOB, ChemmineR, Chicago, ChIPComp, ChIPpeakAnno, ChIPQC, ChIPseeker, ClassifyR, cleanUpdTSeq, cleaver, clipper, clusterProfiler, ClusterSignificance, CNEr, CNPBayes, coMET, compcodeR, CONFESS, consensusSeekeR, contiBAIT, conumee, CopyhelpeR, CopywriteR, CoRegNet, COSMIC.67, cosmiq, CountClust, cpvSNP, CRISPRseek, CrispRVariants, curatedBladderData, curatedCRCData, curatedOvarianData, dada2, dagLogo, DAPAR, DChIPRep, DEFormats, DEGreport, derfinder, derfinderHelper, derfinderPlot, DESeq2, DEXSeq, DiffBind, DmelSGI, DNABarcodes, doppelgangR, DOSE, DRIMSeq, DSS, dupRadar, easyRNASeq, EBImage, EDASeq, EGSEA, eiR, ELMER,, EmpiricalBrownsMethod, EnrichmentBrowser, ensembldb, erma, EWCE, FamAgg, fCI, FindMyFriends, flowcatchR, flowMap, FlowSOM, fmcsR, FourCSeq, furrowSeg, genefilter, GeneOverlap, GenoGAM, GenomeInfoDb, GenomicAlignments, GenomicFeatures, GenomicFiles, GenomicInteractions, GenomicRanges, GenomicTuples, genoset, GenVisR, GeuvadisTranscriptExpr, ggbio, Glimma, GMRP, GOexpress, GoogleGenomics, GOSemSim, gQTLBase, gQTLstats, graphite, GreyListChIP, groHMM, GSAR, GSE62944, GUIDEseq, Gviz, Harman, HarmanData, HD2013SGI, HDF5Array, Hiiragi2013, HiTC, hpar, HTSFilter, iGC, IHW, IHW, IHWpaper, illuminaio, imageHTS, Imetagene, immunoClust, InPAS, INSPEcT, InteractionSet, IONiseR, isomiRs, IVAS, JctSeqData, JunctionSeq, Linnorm, LowMACA, lpsymphony, M3D, mAPKL, MatrixRider, MBASED, MBttest, mdgsa, MEAL, MEDIPS, messina, metagene, metaX, MethPed, MethylAid, MethylAidData, MethylMix, minfi, minionSummaryData, miRcomp, missMethyl, MMDiff2, mogsa, motifbreakR, motifStack, mQTL.NMR, MSnbase, MSnID, msqc1, mygene, myvariant, mzR, NanoStringDiff, NanoStringQCPro, NarrowPeaks, netbiov, nethet, nondetects, npGSEA, nucleoSim, oligo, omicade4, OmicsMarkeR, OncoScore, OncoSimulR, OperaMate, Oscope, PAA, PANTHER.db, PanVizGenerator, parathyroidSE, PasillaTranscriptExpr, Path2PPI, paxtoolsr, Pbase, pcaExplorer, PCAN, PCHiCdata, PGA, PGPC, phyloseq, plethy, Polyfit, pqsfinder, profileScoreDist, pRoloc, pRolocGUI, PROPER, Prostar, ProteomicsAnnotationHubData, proteoQC, PSEA, PureCN, PWMEnrich, qcmetrics, QDNAseq, qpgraph, quantro, QuasR, R3CPET, rain, Rcade, rcellminer, rcellminerData, rCGH, RCyjs, ReactomePA, recoup, RefNet, regioneR, regionReport, ReQON, RforProteomics, rfPred, RGraph2js, RGSEA, rhdf5, Rhtslib, RiboProfiling, riboSeqR, RNAprobR, rnaseqcomp, RnaSeqSampleSize, RnaSeqSampleSizeData, Rnits, rols, ropls, rpx, Rsamtools, RTCGAToolbox, RUVcorr, RUVSeq, sangerseqR, sapFinder, sbgr, scater, SCLCBam, scran, segmentSeq, seqPattern, seqplots, SeqVarTools, sevenbridges, SGSeq, shinyMethyl, ShortRead, SigCheck, SigFuge, similaRpeak, simulatorZ, sincell, Single.mTEC.Transcriptomes, SNPhood, SNPhoodData, soGGi, specL, SpidermiR, SSPA, STAN, STATegRa, SummarizedExperiment, sva, synapter, systemPipeR, systemPipeRdata, TCGAbiolinks, TFBSTools, tigre, TimerQuant, TPP, tracktables, trackViewer, transcriptR, traseR, TRONCO, TurboNorm, variancePartition, VariantAnnotation, VariantFiltering, wavClusteR, XBSeq, yriMulti, zebrafishRNASeq
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