TF ranking plot shows statistic −log10(Pvalue) assessing the anti-correlation level of TFs expression level with average DNA methylation level at sites with a given motif. By default, the top 3 associated TFs and the TF family members (dots in red) that are associated with that specific motif are labeled in the plot. But there is also a option show highlight only TF sub-family members (TCClass database classification)
Shown are TF ranking plots based on the score (−log10(Pvalue)) of association between TF expression and DNA methylation of an enriched motif in the LUSC cancer type. The dashed line indicates the boundary of the top 5% association score. The top 3 associated TFs and the TF family members=(dots in red) that are associated with that specific motif are labeled in the plot
motif <- colnames(TF.meth.cor)[1]
TF.rank.plot(motif.pvalue = TF.meth.cor,
motif = motif,
save = FALSE)
## Retrieving TFClass family classification from
## Retrieving TFClass subfamily classification from
## $HXA9_HUMAN.H11MO.0.B
Shown are TF ranking plots based on the score (-log(P value)) of association between TF expression and DNA methylation of the enriched motif in the LUSC cancer type. The dashed line indicates the boundary of the top 5% association score. The top 3 associated TFs and the TF family members=(dots in red) that are associated with that specific motif are labeled in the plot