if (!require("BiocManager"))
# Some general options for futile.logger the debugging package
.Last.value <- flog.layout(layout.format('[~l] ~m'))
.Last.value <- loose.rock::show.message(FALSE)
# Setting ggplot2 default theme as minimal
The data is loaded from an online curated dataset downloaded from TCGA using
bioconductor package and processed.
To accelerate the process we use a very reduced dataset down to 107 variables only (genes), which is stored as a data object in this package. However, the procedure to obtain the data manually is described in the following chunk.
brca <- curatedTCGAData(diseaseCode = "BRCA", assays = "RNASeq2GeneNorm", FALSE)
brca <- TCGAutils::splitAssays(brca, c('01','11'))
## Selecting 'Primary Solid Tumor' samples
## Selecting 'Solid Tissue Normal' samples
xdata.raw <- t(cbind(assay(brca[[1]]), assay(brca[[2]])))
# Get matches between survival and assay data
class.v <- TCGAbiospec(rownames(xdata.raw))$sample_definition %>% factor
names(class.v) <- rownames(xdata.raw)
# keep features with standard deviation > 0
xdata.raw <- xdata.raw %>%
{ (apply(., 2, sd) != 0) } %>%
{ xdata.raw[, .] } %>%
small.subset <- c('CD5', 'CSF2RB', 'HSF1', 'IRGC', 'LRRC37A6P', 'NEUROG2',
'NLRC4', 'PDE11A', 'PIK3CB', 'QARS', 'RPGRIP1L', 'SDC1',
'TMEM31', 'YME1L1', 'ZBTB11',
sample(colnames(xdata.raw), 100))
xdata <- xdata.raw[, small.subset[small.subset %in% colnames(xdata.raw)]]
ydata <- class.v
Fit model model penalizing by the hubs using the cross-validation function by
fitted <- cv.glmHub(xdata, ydata,
family = 'binomial',
network = 'correlation',
nlambda = 1000,
network.options = networkOptions(cutoff = .6,
min.degree = .2))
Shows the results of 1000
different parameters used to find the optimal value
in 10-fold cross-validation. The two vertical dotted lines represent the best
model and a model with less variables selected (genes), but within a standard
error distance from the best.
Taking the best model described by lambda.min
coefs.v <- coef(fitted, s = 'lambda.min')[,1] %>% { .[. != 0]}
coefs.v %>% {
data.frame(ensembl.id = names(.),
gene.name = geneNames(names(.))$external_gene_name,
coefficient = .,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} %>%
arrange(gene.name) %>%
## Warning: Prefixing `UQ()` with the rlang namespace is deprecated as of rlang 0.3.0.
## Please use the non-prefixed form or `!!` instead.
## # Bad:
## rlang::expr(mean(rlang::UQ(var) * 100))
## # Ok:
## rlang::expr(mean(UQ(var) * 100))
## # Good:
## rlang::expr(mean(!!var * 100))
## This warning is displayed once per session.
ensembl.id | gene.name | coefficient |
(Intercept) | (Intercept) | -6.3376277 |
CD5 | ABCD2 | -0.8421766 |
HSF1 | ACSL1 | -0.5736074 |
QARS | ADSS | 0.2015771 |
YME1L1 | AGR2 | -0.0075664 |
LOC143666 | AMOT | -0.1533910 |
CLDN8 | ASB8 | 0.1750873 |
RBM12B | C19orf23 | -0.0919641 |
CDH26 | C8orf33 | -0.2110669 |
C19orf23 | CD5 | -0.4630254 |
GOLT1B | CDH26 | -0.3952287 |
VIM | CLDN8 | 0.3416265 |
RPL17 | ENTPD3 | 0.8270199 |
ASB8 | FAM13C | 0.6173100 |
ITGB1BP3 | GOLT1B | 1.3414562 |
UTP23 | HLA-DPA1 | -1.1789746 |
HLA-DPA1 | HSF1 | -0.1204987 |
USE1 | ITGB1BP3 | -0.5523879 |
WDR90 | KCNS2 | -0.7995671 |
ZNF69 | LOC143666 | -0.1268551 |
ABCD2 | MUC15 | 6.5050567 |
ADSS | NISCH | -0.3468637 |
ENTPD3 | OR6B1 | -0.8446263 |
FAM13C | PGAM2 | 1.0084372 |
SLC13A2 | PLCB2 | 0.2721161 |
OR6B1 | QARS | -0.3034341 |
C8orf33 | RBM12B | -0.5743207 |
ACSL1 | RPL17 | 1.5034740 |
TSPYL2 | SLC13A2 | 0.6332315 |
MUC15 | TSPYL2 | 0.0501196 |
KCNS2 | TTC35 | -0.9306531 |
TTC35 | USE1 | -0.1870829 |
AGR2 | UTP23 | -0.2088197 |
NISCH | VIM | 0.7051475 |
AMOT | WDR90 | 0.1709998 |
PGAM2 | YME1L1 | -1.7735337 |
PLCB2 | ZNF69 | -0.1947588 |
geneNames(names(coefs.v)) %>% { hallmarks(.$external_gene_name)$heatmap }
## [INFO] Misclassified (6)
## [INFO] * False primary solid tumour: 4
## [INFO] * False normal : 2
Histogram of predicted response
ROC curve