specL 1.12.0
!!!Caution work in progress!!!
Function optimizes Extraction windows so we have the same number of precursor per window. To do it uses spectral library or nonredundant blib.
specL contains a function specL::cdsw
## Loading required package: DBI
## Loading required package: protViz
## Loading required package: RSQLite
## Loading required package: seqinr
## Attaching package: 'specL'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:protViz':
## plot.psm, plot.psmSet, summary.psmSet
# moves the windows start and end to regions where no peaks are observed
.makenewfromto <- function( windfrom, empty , isfrom=TRUE){
newfrom <- NULL
for(from in windfrom){
idx <- which.min(abs(from - empty))
startmass <- 0
if(empty[idx] < from) {
startmass <- empty[idx]
} else {
startmass <- empty[idx-1]
if(empty[idx] > from) {
startmass <- empty[idx]
} else {
startmass <- empty[idx+1]
newfrom <- c(newfrom, round(startmass,digits=1))
.cdsw_compute_breaks <-
function(xx, nbins){
q <- quantile(xx, seq(0, 1, length = nbins + 1))
q[1] <- q[1] - 0.5
q[length(q)] <- q[length(q)] + 0.5
q <- round(q)
cdsw <-
function(x, massrange = c(300,1250), n = 20, overlap = 1.0, FUN, ...) {
if (class(x) == "psmSet") {
x <- unlist(lapply(x, function(x) {
} else if (class(x) == 'specLSet') {
x <- unlist(lapply(x@ionlibrary, function(xx) {
# x should be numeric
if (class(x) != "numeric") {
warning("can not compute quantils. 'x' is not numeric.")
return (NULL)
x <- x[x > massrange[1] & x < massrange[2]]
q <- FUN(xx=x, nbins=n)
idx <- 1:n
from <- q[idx] - overlap * 0.5
to <- q[idx + 1] + overlap * 0.5
width <- 0.5 * (to - from)
mid <- from + width
h <- hist(x, breaks = q, ...)
data.frame(from, to, mid, width, counts = h$counts)
overlap = 0,
main = "peptideStd", xlab='pepmass', FUN=.cdsw_compute_breaks)
## from to mid width counts
## 0% 301 384 342.5 41.5 586
## 5% 384 420 402.0 18.0 591
## 10% 420 449 434.5 14.5 583
## 15% 449 476 462.5 13.5 599
## 20% 476 500 488.0 12.0 565
## 25% 500 524 512.0 12.0 604
## 30% 524 547 535.5 11.5 566
## 35% 547 572 559.5 12.5 598
## 40% 572 598 585.0 13.0 591
## 45% 598 625 611.5 13.5 577
## 50% 625 651 638.0 13.0 603
## 55% 651 682 666.5 15.5 575
## 60% 682 713 697.5 15.5 594
## 65% 713 745 729.0 16.0 574
## 70% 745 783 764.0 19.0 595
## 75% 783 825 804.0 21.0 572
## 80% 825 881 853.0 28.0 592
## 85% 881 948 914.5 33.5 583
## 90% 948 1045 996.5 48.5 592
## 95% 1045 1250 1147.5 102.5 586
.cdsw_objective <- function(splits, data){
counts <- hist(data, breaks=splits,plot=FALSE)$counts
optimumN <- length(data)/(length(splits)-1)
score2 <-sqrt(sum((counts - optimumN)^2))
score1 <- sum(abs(counts - round(optimumN)))
return(list(score1=score1,score2 = score2, counts=counts, optimumN=round(optimumN)))
.cdsw_hardconstrain <- function(splits, minwindow = 5, maxwindow=50){
return(sum(difsp >= minwindow) == length(difsp) & sum(difsp <= maxwindow) == length(difsp))
.cdsw_compute_sampling_breaks <- function(xx, nbins=35, maxwindow=150, minwindow = 5, plot=TRUE){
breaks <- nbins+1
#xx <- x
#xx<-xx[xx >=310 & xx<1250]
# TODO(wew): there is something insconsitent with the nbins parameter
qqs <- quantile(xx,probs = seq(0,1,by=1/(nbins)))
plot(1:breaks, qqs, type="b" ,
legend("topleft", legend = c(paste("maxwindow = ", maxwindow),
paste("nbins = ", breaks) ))
# equidistant spaced bins
unif <- seq(min(xx),max(xx),length=(breaks))
if(!.cdsw_hardconstrain(unif,minwindow = 5, maxwindow)){
warning("there is no way to generate bins given minwindow " , minwindow, "maxwindow", maxwindow, " breaks" , breaks, "\n")
.cdsw_hardconstrain(qqs,minwindow = 5, maxwindow)
mixeddata <- xx
it_count <- 0
error <- 0
while(!.cdsw_hardconstrain(qqs,minwindow = 5, maxwindow)){
it_count <- it_count + 1
uniformdata<-runif(round(length(xx)/20), min=min(xx), max=max(xx))
qqs <- quantile(mixeddata,probs = seq(0,1,by=1/(nbins)))
lines(1:breaks,qqs,type="l", col="#00DD00AA")
error[it_count] <-.cdsw_objective(qqs, xx)$score1
lines(1:breaks,qqs,type="b", col="#FF1111AA")
plot(error, xlab="number of iteration", sub=".cdsw_compute_sampling_breaks")
qqs <- as.numeric(sort(round(qqs)))
qqs[1] <- qqs[1] - 0.5
qqs[length(qqs)] <- qqs[length(qqs)] + 0.5
round(qqs, 1)
op <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))
wind <- cdsw(exampledata,
overlap = 0,
massrange = c(350,1250),
sub='sampling based',
main = "peptideStd", xlab='pepmass', FUN=function(...){.cdsw_compute_sampling_breaks(...,maxwindow = 50)})
## Warning in plot.histogram(r, freq = freq1, col = col, border = border, angle
## = angle, : the AREAS in the plot are wrong -- rather use 'freq = FALSE'
readjustWindows <- function(wind ,ms1data, breaks=10000, maxbin = 5){
res <- hist(ms1data, breaks=breaks)
empty <- res$mids[which(res$counts < maxbin )]
newfrom <- .makenewfromto(wind$from , empty)
newto <- .makenewfromto(wind$to , empty , isfrom=FALSE )
abline(v = newfrom,lwd=0.5,col="red")
abline(v = newto , lwd=0.5,col="green")
abline(v = newfrom,lwd=0.5,col="red")
abline(v = newto , lwd=0.5,col="green")
width <- (newto - newfrom) * 0.5
mid <- (newfrom + newto)*0.5
newCounts <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(newfrom))
newCounts <- c(newCounts,sum(ms1data >= newfrom[i] & ms1data <= newto[i]))
data.frame(newfrom, newto, mid, width, counts =newCounts)
## newfrom newto mid width counts
## 1 349.5 377.1 363.30 13.80 282
## 2 377.0 401.1 389.05 12.05 346
## 3 401.0 423.1 412.05 11.05 381
## 4 423.0 441.1 432.05 9.05 382
## 5 441.0 461.1 451.05 10.05 401
## 6 461.0 479.1 470.05 9.05 424
## 7 479.0 496.1 487.55 8.55 414
## 8 496.0 513.0 504.50 8.50 423
## 9 513.0 530.0 521.50 8.50 402
## 10 530.0 547.0 538.50 8.50 431
## 11 547.0 565.0 556.00 9.00 434
## 12 565.0 582.0 573.50 8.50 397
## 13 582.0 600.0 591.00 9.00 405
## 14 600.0 619.0 609.50 9.50 413
## 15 619.0 636.0 627.50 8.50 384
## 16 636.0 655.0 645.50 9.50 422
## 17 655.0 677.0 666.00 11.00 389
## 18 677.0 696.0 686.50 9.50 398
## 19 696.0 717.0 706.50 10.50 383
## 20 717.0 738.0 727.50 10.50 371
## 21 738.0 759.0 748.50 10.50 376
## 22 759.0 784.2 771.60 12.60 359
## 23 784.0 810.0 797.00 13.00 362
## 24 810.0 837.0 823.50 13.50 338
## 25 837.0 867.0 852.00 15.00 313
## 26 867.0 898.0 882.50 15.50 285
## 27 898.0 929.1 913.55 15.55 273
## 28 929.0 960.1 944.55 15.55 261
## 29 960.0 995.1 977.55 17.55 218
## 30 995.0 1031.0 1013.00 18.00 200
## 31 1031.0 1069.0 1050.00 19.00 192
## 32 1069.0 1108.0 1088.50 19.50 174
## 33 1108.0 1152.0 1130.00 22.00 121
## 34 1152.0 1201.0 1176.50 24.50 103
## 35 1201.0 1249.5 1225.25 24.25 69
overlap = 0,
sub='quantile based',
main = "peptideStd", xlab='pepmass', FUN=.cdsw_compute_breaks)
## Warning in plot.histogram(r, freq = freq1, col = col, border = border, angle
## = angle, : the AREAS in the plot are wrong -- rather use 'freq = FALSE'
## from to mid width counts
## 0% 301 363 332.0 31.0 332
## 2.857143% 363 390 376.5 13.5 343
## 5.714286% 390 410 400.0 10.0 328
## 8.571429% 410 429 419.5 9.5 331
## 11.42857% 429 445 437.0 8.0 339
## 14.28571% 445 462 453.5 8.5 347
## 17.14286% 462 476 469.0 7.0 339
## 20% 476 489 482.5 6.5 315
## 22.85714% 489 503 496.0 7.0 333
## 25.71429% 503 517 510.0 7.0 353
## 28.57143% 517 531 524.0 7.0 338
## 31.42857% 531 544 537.5 6.5 316
## 34.28571% 544 557 550.5 6.5 337
## 37.14286% 557 572 564.5 7.5 341
## 40% 572 586 579.0 7.0 337
## 42.85714% 586 601 593.5 7.5 324
## 45.71429% 601 617 609.0 8.0 350
## 48.57143% 617 632 624.5 7.5 332
## 51.42857% 632 646 639.0 7.0 321
## 54.28571% 646 663 654.5 8.5 342
## 57.14286% 663 682 672.5 9.5 340
## 60% 682 698 690.0 8.0 336
## 62.85714% 698 716 707.0 9.0 323
## 65.71429% 716 736 726.0 10.0 350
## 68.57143% 736 754 745.0 9.0 328
## 71.42857% 754 776 765.0 11.0 335
## 74.28571% 776 800 788.0 12.0 336
## 77.14286% 800 825 812.5 12.5 327
## 80% 825 855 840.0 15.0 344
## 82.85714% 855 891 873.0 18.0 330
## 85.71429% 891 928 909.5 18.5 334
## 88.57143% 928 969 948.5 20.5 340
## 91.42857% 969 1029 999.0 30.0 337
## 94.28571% 1029 1097 1063.0 34.0 332
## 97.14286% 1097 1250 1173.5 76.5 336
op <-par(mfrow=c(4,3))
res <- lapply(c(75,150,300, 800), function(mws){
overlap = 0,
main = paste("max window size", mws), xlab='pepmass',
.cdsw_compute_sampling_breaks(...,maxwindow = mws)
op <-par(mfrow=c(4,3))
res <- lapply(c(20,25,30, 40), function(nbins){
overlap = 0,
main = paste("nr bins", nbins), xlab='pepmass',
.cdsw_compute_sampling_breaks(...,maxwindow = 100)
Here is the output of sessionInfo()
on the system on which this document was compiled:
## R version 3.4.2 (2017-09-28)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS: /home/biocbuild/bbs-3.6-bioc/R/lib/libRblas.so
## LAPACK: /home/biocbuild/bbs-3.6-bioc/R/lib/libRlapack.so
## locale:
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
## other attached packages:
## [1] specL_1.12.0 seqinr_3.4-5 RSQLite_2.0 protViz_0.2.37
## [5] DBI_0.7 BiocStyle_2.6.0
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
## [1] Rcpp_0.12.13 bookdown_0.5 digest_0.6.12 rprojroot_1.2
## [5] backports_1.1.1 magrittr_1.5 evaluate_0.10.1 rlang_0.1.2
## [9] stringi_1.1.5 blob_1.1.0 rmarkdown_1.6 tools_3.4.2
## [13] ade4_1.7-8 bit64_0.9-7 stringr_1.2.0 bit_1.1-12
## [17] yaml_2.1.14 compiler_3.4.2 memoise_1.1.0 htmltools_0.3.6
## [21] knitr_1.17 tibble_1.3.4