
This document provides some examples of the many data visualisation functions available in scater.

Key scater data visualisation functions: * plotScater: cumulative expression, overview plot (this replaces the generic plot function for SCESet objects) * plotExpression: plot cell expression levels for one or more genes * plotExprsVsTxLength: plot transcript expression against transcript length * plotPlatePosition(): plot cell gene expression and metadata with cells in their position on a plate * plotColData/plotCellData/plotPhenoData: plot cell-level metadata variables * plotRowData/plotFeatureData: plot row/gene/feature-level metadata variables * plotReducedDim

1 Cumulative expression plot

It is possible to get an overall view of the dataset by using the plotScater function. This method plots the cumulative proportion of each cell’s library (total counts) that is accounted for by the top highest-expressed features (by default showing the cumulative proportion across the top 500 features).

This type of plot gives an overall idea of differences in expression distributions for different cells. It is used in the same way as per-sample boxplots are for microarray or bulk RNA-seq data. Due to the large numbers of zeroes in expression values for single-cell RNA-seq data, boxplots are not as useful, so instead we focus on the contributions from the most expressed features for each cell.

With this function, we can split up the cells based on colData variables to get a finer-grained look at differences between cells. By default, the plot method will try to use count values for the plot, but other data available in the assays slot of the object can be used by specifying the exprs_vales argument.

example_sce <- SingleCellExperiment(
    assays = list(counts = sc_example_counts), colData = sc_example_cell_info)
exprs(example_sce) <- log2(calculateCPM(example_sce, 
                                        use.size.factors = FALSE) + 1)

plotScater(example_sce, block1 = "Mutation_Status", block2 = "Treatment",
     colour_by = "Cell_Cycle", nfeatures = 300, exprs_values = "counts")

This sort of approach can help to pick up large differences in expression distributions across different experimental blocks (e.g. processing batches or similar).

2 Plots of expression values

In scater, the plotExpression function makes it easy to plot expression values for a subset of genes or features. This can be particularly useful when investigating the some features identified as being of interest from differential expression testing, pseudotime analysis or other means.

plotExpression(example_sce, rownames(example_sce)[1:6],
               x = "Mutation_Status", exprs_values = "exprs", 
               colour = "Treatment")

This function uses ggplot2, making it easy to change the theme to whatever you prefer. We can also show the median expression level per group on the plot and show a violin plot to summarise the distribution of expression values:

plotExpression(example_sce, rownames(example_sce)[7:12],
               x = "Mutation_Status", exprs_values = "counts", 
               colour = "Cell_Cycle",
               show_median = TRUE, show_violin = FALSE,  xlab = "Mutation Status",
               log = TRUE)

The package also contains the function plotExprsVsTxLength() for plotting expression values against transcript length, and the function plotPlatePosition() to plot expression values and cell metadata information for cells in their position on a plate.

3 Cell metadata plots

The functions plotColData, plotCellData and plotPhenoData are synonymous and provide convenient means for plotting cell-level metadata values against each other (cells can also be coloured, sized or shaped by gene expression values). The functions will use the data type for each variable (continous/categorical) to automatically determine an appropriate type of plot without requiring input from the user.

example_sce <- calculateQCMetrics(example_sce, 
                                  feature_controls = list(dummy = 1:40))
plotColData(example_sce, aes(x = total_counts, y = total_features,
                                  colour = Mutation_Status))

Note that ggplot aesthetics will work correctly (in general) for everything except colour (color) and fill, which must be either columns of colData or feature names (i.e. gene/transcript names).

These sorts of plots can be very useful for finding potentially problematic cells.

plotColData(example_sce, aes(x = pct_counts_feature_control,
                                  y = total_features, colour = Gene_0500))

The output of these functions is a ggplot object, which can be added to, amended and altered. For example, if we don’t like the legend position we can change it, and we could also add a trend line for each group (see below).

Tapping into the powerful capabilities of ggplot2, the possibilities are many.

4 Gene metadata plots

The functions plotRowData and plotFeatureData are synonymous and provide convenient means for plotting feature-level (row-level) metadata values against each other. The functions will use the data type for each variable (continous/categorical) to automatically determine an appropriate type of plot without requiring input from the user.

plotRowData(example_sce, aes(x = log10_total_counts, y = n_cells_counts,
                                  colour = log10_mean_counts))

5 Dimensionality reduction plots

5.1 Using the reducedDimension slot

The SingleCellExperiment object has a reducedDimension slot, where coordinates for reduced dimension representations of the cells can be stored. If we so wish, the top principal components can be added to the PCA element of the reducedDimension slot as follows:

example_sce <- plotPCA(example_sce, ncomponents = 4,
                          colour_by = "Treatment", shape_by = "Mutation_Status",
                          return_SCE = TRUE, theme_size = 12)

## List of length 1
## names(1): PCA
##                  PC1       PC2        PC3        PC4
## Cell_001 -11.3549969  1.987128 -4.3684884  3.3630354
## Cell_002  -1.4129121  2.494169 -0.2695877 -0.7532469
## Cell_003   2.0117100  1.128543 -2.0464581  3.6275892
## Cell_004  -9.8008989  2.562876  5.6841074 -4.6117327
## Cell_005   6.3489281  2.393014  5.8535812  0.4598489
## Cell_006  -0.9004187 -3.396119 -6.6698769  6.7846540

As shown above, the functions reducedDim and reducedDims can be used to access the reduced dimension coordinates.

This means that any other dimension reduction method can be applied and the coordinates stored. For example, we might wish to use t-distributed stochastic nearest neighbour embedding (t-SNE) or Gaussian process latent variable models or any other dimensionality reduction method. We can store these in the SingleCellExperiment object with the reducedDim function and produce plots just as we did with PCA (plot not shown):

plotReducedDim(example_sce, use_dimred = "PCA", ncomponents = 4, 
               colour_by = "Treatment", shape_by = "Mutation_Status")

As for the PCA plots we can also colour and size points by feature expression.

plotReducedDim(example_sce, use_dimred = "PCA", ncomponents = 4, 
               colour_by = "Gene_1000", size_by = "Gene_0500")

(Here, the dimensionality reduction is just PCA, so we have the same plot as the PCA plot above.)

5.2 PCA

The plotPCA function makes it easy to produce a PCA plot directly from an SCESet object, which is useful for visualising cells.

The default plot shows the first two principal components and if any cell controls have been defined, plots these cells in a different colour.


By default, the PCA plot is produced using the 500 features with the most variable expression across all cells. The number of most-variable features used can be changed with the ntop argument. Alternatively, a specific set of features to use for the PCA can be defined with the feature_set argument. This allows, for example, using only housekeeping features or control features to produce a PCA plot.

By default the PCA plot uses the expression values in the logcounts slot of the SingleCellExperiment object, but other expression values can be used by specifying the exprs_values argument (plot not shown):

plotPCA(example_sce, exprs_values = "cpm")

A subset of features can be used to produce a PCA plot. In the code below only the features defined as “feature controls” are used for the PCA (plot not shown).

plotPCA(example_sce, feature_set = fData(example_sce)$is_feature_control)

The function allows more than just the first two components to be plotted, and also allows phenotype variables to be used to define the colour, shape and size of points in the scatter plot.

plotPCA(example_sce, ncomponents = 4, colour_by = "Treatment",
        shape_by = "Mutation_Status")

When more than two components are plotted, the diagonal boxes in the scatter plot matrix show the density for each component.

We can also use the colour and size of point in the plot to reflect feature expression values.

plotPCA(example_sce, colour_by = "Gene_0001", size_by = "Gene_1000")

Thus, expression levels of two marker genes or transcripts can be shown overlaid onto reduced-dimension representations of cells.

5.3 t-SNE

This also works for plotTSNE plots.

plotTSNE(example_sce, colour_by = "Gene_0001", size_by = "Gene_1000")

5.4 Diffusion maps

And for diffusion map plots.

plotDiffusionMap(example_sce, colour_by = "Gene_0001", size_by = "Gene_1000")

6 QC plots

See the QC vignette for examples of using the plotQC function to create visualisations relevant for cell and gene filtering for quality control.