

Recently the TCGA data has been moved from the DCC server to The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Genomic Data Commons (GDC) Data Portal In this version of the package, we rewrote all the functions that were acessing the old TCGA server to GDC.

The GDC, which receives, processes, harmonizes, and distributes clinical, biospecimen, and genomic data from multiple cancer research programs, has data from the following programs:

The big change is that the GDC data is harmonized against GRCh38. However, not all data has been harmonized yet. The old TCGA data can be acessed through GDC legacy Archive, in which the majority of data can be found.

More information about the project can be found in GCD FAQS

The functions TCGAquery, TCGAdownload, TCGAPrepare, TCGAquery_maf, TCGAquery_clinical, were replaced by GDCquery, GDCdownload, GDCprepare, GDCquery_maf, GDCquery_clinical.

And it can acess both the GDC and GDC Legacy Archive.

Note: Not all the examples in this vignette were updated.


Motivation: The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) provides us with an enormous collection of data sets, not only spanning a large number of cancers but also a large number of experimental platforms. Even though the data can be accessed and downloaded from the database, the possibility to analyse these downloaded data directly in one single R package has not yet been available.

TCGAbiolinks consists of three parts or levels. Firstly, we provide different options to query and download from TCGA relevant data from all currently platforms and their subsequent pre-processing for commonly used bio-informatics (tools) packages in Bioconductor or CRAN. Secondly, the package allows to integrate different data types and it can be used for different types of analyses dealing with all platforms such as diff.expression, network inference or survival analysis, etc, and then it allows to visualize the obtained results. Thirdly we added a social level where a researcher can found a similar intereset in a bioinformatic community, and allows both to find a validation of results in literature in pubmed and also to retrieve questions and answers from site such as,, stackoverflow,etc.

This document describes how to search, download and analyze TCGA data using the TCGAbiolinks package.


To install use the code below.



Please cite TCGAbiolinks package:

Related publications to this package:

Also, if you have used ELMER analysis please cite:

GDCquery: Searching TCGA open-access data

GDCquery: Searching GDC data for download

You can easily search GDC data using the GDCquery function.

Using a summary of filters as used in the TCGA portal, the function works with the following arguments:

The next subsections will detail each of the search arguments. Below, we show some search examples:

query <- GDCquery(project = "TARGET-AML",
                  data.category = "Transcriptome Profiling",
                  data.type = "Gene Expression Quantification", 
                  workflow.type = "HTSeq - Counts")

# Using legacy
query <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-GBM",
                  data.category = "DNA methylation", 
                  platform = "Illumina Human Methylation 27", 
                  legacy = TRUE,
                  barcode = c("TCGA-02-0047-01A-01D-0186-05","TCGA-06-2559-01A-01D-0788-05"))

The list of projects is below:

List of projects
released state dbgap_accession_number primary_site disease_type project_id name tumor
True legacy NA Soft Tissue Sarcoma TCGA-SARC Sarcoma SARC
True legacy NA Pleura Mesothelioma TCGA-MESO Mesothelioma MESO
True legacy NA Colorectal Rectum Adenocarcinoma TCGA-READ Rectum Adenocarcinoma READ
True legacy NA Kidney Kidney Renal Papillary Cell Carcinoma TCGA-KIRP Kidney Renal Papillary Cell Carcinoma KIRP
True legacy phs000467 Nervous System Neuroblastoma TARGET-NBL Neuroblastoma NBL
True legacy NA Pancreas Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma TCGA-PAAD Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma PAAD
True legacy NA Brain Glioblastoma Multiforme TCGA-GBM Glioblastoma Multiforme GBM
True legacy NA Adrenal Gland Adrenocortical Carcinoma TCGA-ACC Adrenocortical Carcinoma ACC
True legacy phs000468 Bone Osteosarcoma TARGET-OS Osteosarcoma OS
True legacy NA Cervix Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Endocervical Adenocarcinoma TCGA-CESC Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Endocervical Adenocarcinoma CESC
True legacy phs000470 Kidney Rhabdoid Tumor TARGET-RT Rhabdoid Tumor RT
True legacy NA Breast Breast Invasive Carcinoma TCGA-BRCA Breast Invasive Carcinoma BRCA
True legacy NA Esophagus Esophageal Carcinoma TCGA-ESCA Esophageal Carcinoma ESCA
True legacy NA Lymph Nodes Lymphoid Neoplasm Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma TCGA-DLBC Lymphoid Neoplasm Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma DLBC
True legacy NA Kidney Kidney Chromophobe TCGA-KICH Kidney Chromophobe KICH
True legacy NA Kidney Kidney Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma TCGA-KIRC Kidney Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma KIRC
True legacy NA Eye Uveal Melanoma TCGA-UVM Uveal Melanoma UVM
True legacy phs000465 Blood Acute Myeloid Leukemia TARGET-AML Acute Myeloid Leukemia AML
True legacy NA Bone Marrow Acute Myeloid Leukemia TCGA-LAML Acute Myeloid Leukemia LAML
True legacy NA Skin Skin Cutaneous Melanoma TCGA-SKCM Skin Cutaneous Melanoma SKCM
True legacy NA Adrenal Gland Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma TCGA-PCPG Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma PCPG
True legacy NA Colorectal Colon Adenocarcinoma TCGA-COAD Colon Adenocarcinoma COAD
True legacy NA Uterus Uterine Carcinosarcoma TCGA-UCS Uterine Carcinosarcoma UCS
True legacy NA Lung Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma TCGA-LUSC Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma LUSC
True legacy NA Brain Brain Lower Grade Glioma TCGA-LGG Brain Lower Grade Glioma LGG
True legacy NA Head and Neck Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma TCGA-HNSC Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma HNSC
True legacy NA Testis Testicular Germ Cell Tumors TCGA-TGCT Testicular Germ Cell Tumors TGCT
True legacy phs000466 Kidney Clear Cell Sarcoma of the Kidney TARGET-CCSK Clear Cell Sarcoma of the Kidney CCSK
True legacy NA Thyroid Thyroid Carcinoma TCGA-THCA Thyroid Carcinoma THCA
True legacy NA Liver Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma TCGA-LIHC Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma LIHC
True legacy NA Bladder Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma TCGA-BLCA Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma BLCA
True legacy NA Uterus Uterine Corpus Endometrial Carcinoma TCGA-UCEC Uterine Corpus Endometrial Carcinoma UCEC
True legacy phs000471 Kidney High-Risk Wilms Tumor TARGET-WT High-Risk Wilms Tumor WT
True legacy NA Prostate Prostate Adenocarcinoma TCGA-PRAD Prostate Adenocarcinoma PRAD
True legacy NA Ovary Ovarian Serous Cystadenocarcinoma TCGA-OV Ovarian Serous Cystadenocarcinoma OV
True legacy NA Thymus Thymoma TCGA-THYM Thymoma THYM
True legacy NA Bile Duct Cholangiocarcinoma TCGA-CHOL Cholangiocarcinoma CHOL
True legacy NA Stomach Stomach Adenocarcinoma TCGA-STAD Stomach Adenocarcinoma STAD
True legacy NA Lung Lung Adenocarcinoma TCGA-LUAD Lung Adenocarcinoma LUAD

The list of sample.type is below:

List sample types
tissue.code shortLetterCode tissue.definition
01 TP Primary solid Tumor
02 TR Recurrent Solid Tumor
03 TB Primary Blood Derived Cancer - Peripheral Blood
04 TRBM Recurrent Blood Derived Cancer - Bone Marrow
05 TAP Additional - New Primary
06 TM Metastatic
07 TAM Additional Metastatic
08 THOC Human Tumor Original Cells
09 TBM Primary Blood Derived Cancer - Bone Marrow
10 NB Blood Derived Normal
11 NT Solid Tissue Normal
12 NBC Buccal Cell Normal
13 NEBV EBV Immortalized Normal
14 NBM Bone Marrow Normal
20 CELLC Control Analyte
40 TRB Recurrent Blood Derived Cancer - Peripheral Blood
50 CELL Cell Lines
60 XP Primary Xenograft Tissue
61 XCL Cell Line Derived Xenograft Tissue

The other fields (data.category, data.type, workflow.type, platform, file.type) can be found below. Please, not that these tables are still incomplete.

Harmonized data

Data.category Data.type Workflow Type
Transcriptome Profiling Gene Expression Quantification HTSeq - Counts
Isoform Expression Quantification -
miRNA Expression Quantification -
Copy number variation Copy Number Segment
Masked Copy Number Segment
Simple Nucleotide Variation
Raw Sequencing Data

Legacy data

Data.category Data.type Platform file.type
Transcriptome Profiling
Copy number variation - Affymetrix SNP Array 6.0 nocnv_hg18.seg
- Affymetrix SNP Array 6.0 hg18.seg
- Affymetrix SNP Array 6.0 nocnv_hg19.seg
- Affymetrix SNP Array 6.0 hg19.seg
- Illumina HiSeq -
Simple Nucleotide Variation
Raw Sequencing Data
Protein expression MDA RPPA Core -
Gene expression Gene expression quantification Illumina HiSeq normalized_results
Illumina HiSeq results
HT_HG-U133A -
AgilentG4502A_07_2 -
AgilentG4502A_07_1 -
HuEx-1_0-st-v2 FIRMA.txt
Isoform expression quantification
miRNA gene quantification
Exon junction quantification
Exon quantification
miRNA isoform quantification
DNA methylation Illumina Human Methylation 450 -
Illumina Human Methylation 27 -
Illumina DNA Methylation OMA003 CPI -
Illumina DNA Methylation OMA002 CPI -
Illumina Hi Seq
Raw Microarray Data
Structural Rearrangement

GDCquery_maf: Working with mutation files.

In order to download the Mutation Annotation Format (MAF), we provide the user with the GDCquery_maf function. Briefly, it will get the open acess maf files from

The arguments that will be used to filter the data are:

mutation <- GDCquery_Maf(tumor = "LGG")
mutation <- GDCquery_Maf(tumor = "LGG", save.csv = TRUE)

This mutation data can be visualized through a oncoprint from the ComplexHeatmap package (Gu, Zuguang and Eils, Roland and Schlesner, Matthias 2016).

mut <- GDCquery_Maf(tumor = "ACC")
clin <- GDCquery_clinic("TCGA-ACC","clinical")
clin <- clin[,c("bcr_patient_barcode","disease","gender","tumor_stage","race","vital_status")]
TCGAvisualize_oncoprint(mut = mut, genes = mut$Hugo_Symbol[1:20],
                        filename = "oncoprint.pdf",
                        annotation = clin,
                        width = 5,
                        heatmap.legend.side = "right",
                        dist.col = 0,
                        label.font.size = 10)

GDCquery_clinic and GDCprepare_clinic: Working with clinical data.

In GDC database the clinical data can be retrieved in two sources:

there are two main differences:

clin.query <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-BLCA", data.category = "Clinical", barcode = "TCGA-FD-A5C0")
 json  <- tryCatch(GDCdownload(clin.query), 
                   error = function(e) GDCdownload(clin.query, method = "client"))
clinical.patient <- GDCprepare_clinic(clin.query, = "patient")
clinical.patient.followup <- GDCprepare_clinic(clin.query, = "follow_up")
clinical.index <- GDCquery_clinic("TCGA-BLCA")
# Example of the second difference:
##   vital_status days_to_death days_to_last_followup
## 1        Alive                                 209
##   vital_status days_to_death days_to_last_followup
## 1        Alive                                 407
## 2         Dead           550
# indexed data is equivalent to follow ups information
##     vital_status days_to_death days_to_last_follow_up
## 197         dead           550                    407

You can retrieve clinical data using the GDCquery_clinic function. This will get only the indexed GDC clinical data. This is the same as clicking on the download clinical buttun in the data portal. This means this function is not parsing the XML files, see GDCprepare_clinic function.

The arguments of this function are:

Examples of use:

clin <- GDCquery_clinic("TCGA-ACC", type = "clinical", save.csv = TRUE)
clin <- GDCquery_clinic("TCGA-ACC", type = "biospecimen", save.csv = TRUE)

To parse the TCGA clinical XML files, please use GDCprepare_clinic function. It receives as argument the query object and which clinical information we should retrieve. The possible values for the argument are:

query <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-COAD", 
                  data.category = "Clinical", 
                  barcode = c("TCGA-RU-A8FL","TCGA-AA-3972"))
clinical <- GDCprepare_clinic(query, = "patient")
clinical.drug <- GDCprepare_clinic(query, = "drug")
clinical.radiation <- GDCprepare_clinic(query, = "radiation")
clinical.admin <- GDCprepare_clinic(query, = "admin")

Also, some functions to work with clinical data are provided.

For example the function TCGAquery_SampleTypes will filter barcodes based on a type the argument typesample. Some of the typesamples possibilities are: TP (PRIMARY SOLID TUMOR), TR (RECURRENT SOLID TUMOR), NT (Solid Tissue Normal) etc. Please, see ?TCGAquery_SampleTypes for all the possible values.

The function TCGAquery_MatchedCoupledSampleTypes will filter the samples that have all the typesample provided as argument. For example, if TP and TR are set as typesample, the function will return the barcodes of a patient if it has both types. So, if it has a TP, but not a TR, no barcode will be returned. If it has a TP and a TR both barcodes are returned.

The function TCGAquery_clinicFilt will filter your data, returning the list of barcodes that matches all the filter.

The arguments of TCGAquery_clinicFilt are:

An example of the function is below:

bar <- c("TCGA-G9-6378-02A-11R-1789-07", "TCGA-CH-5767-04A-11R-1789-07",  
         "TCGA-G9-6332-60A-11R-1789-07", "TCGA-G9-6336-01A-11R-1789-07",
         "TCGA-G9-6336-11A-11R-1789-07", "TCGA-G9-7336-11A-11R-1789-07",
         "TCGA-G9-7336-04A-11R-1789-07", "TCGA-G9-7336-14A-11R-1789-07",
         "TCGA-G9-7036-04A-11R-1789-07", "TCGA-G9-7036-02A-11R-1789-07",
         "TCGA-G9-7036-11A-11R-1789-07", "TCGA-G9-7036-03A-11R-1789-07",
         "TCGA-G9-7036-10A-11R-1789-07", "TCGA-BH-A1ES-10A-11R-1789-07",
         "TCGA-BH-A1F0-10A-11R-1789-07", "TCGA-BH-A0BZ-02A-11R-1789-07",
         "TCGA-B6-A0WY-04A-11R-1789-07", "TCGA-BH-A1FG-04A-11R-1789-08",
         "TCGA-D8-A1JS-04A-11R-2089-08", "TCGA-AN-A0FN-11A-11R-8789-08",
         "TCGA-AR-A2LQ-12A-11R-8799-08", "TCGA-AR-A2LH-03A-11R-1789-07",
         "TCGA-BH-A1F8-04A-11R-5789-07", "TCGA-AR-A24T-04A-55R-1789-07",
         "TCGA-AO-A0J5-05A-11R-1789-07", "TCGA-BH-A0B4-11A-12R-1789-07",
         "TCGA-B6-A1KN-60A-13R-1789-07", "TCGA-AO-A0J5-01A-11R-1789-07",
         "TCGA-AO-A0J5-01A-11R-1789-07", "TCGA-G9-6336-11A-11R-1789-07",
         "TCGA-G9-6380-11A-11R-1789-07", "TCGA-G9-6380-01A-11R-1789-07",
         "TCGA-G9-6340-01A-11R-1789-07", "TCGA-G9-6340-11A-11R-1789-07")

S <- TCGAquery_SampleTypes(bar,"TP")
S2 <- TCGAquery_SampleTypes(bar,"NB")

# Retrieve multiple tissue types  NOT FROM THE SAME PATIENTS
SS <- TCGAquery_SampleTypes(bar,c("TP","NB"))

# Retrieve multiple tissue types  FROM THE SAME PATIENTS
SSS <- TCGAquery_MatchedCoupledSampleTypes(bar,c("NT","TP"))

# Get clinical data
clinical_brca_data <- TCGAquery_clinic("brca","clinical_patient")
female_erpos_herpos <- TCGAquery_clinicFilt(bar,

The result is shown below:

## ER Positive Samples:
##   TCGA-BH-A1ES 
##   TCGA-BH-A0BZ 
##   TCGA-D8-A1JS 
##   TCGA-AN-A0FN 
##   TCGA-AR-A2LQ 
##   TCGA-BH-A1F8 
##   TCGA-AR-A24T 
##   TCGA-AO-A0J5 
##   TCGA-BH-A0B4
## HER Positive Samples:
##   TCGA-AN-A0FN 
##   TCGA-BH-A1F8
##   TCGA-BH-A1ES 
##   TCGA-BH-A1F0 
##   TCGA-BH-A0BZ 
##   TCGA-D8-A1JS 
##   TCGA-AN-A0FN 
##   TCGA-AR-A2LQ 
##   TCGA-AR-A2LH 
##   TCGA-BH-A1F8 
##   TCGA-AR-A24T 
##   TCGA-AO-A0J5 
##   TCGA-B6-A1KN
## [1] "TCGA-AN-A0FN" "TCGA-BH-A1F8"

TCGAquery_subtype: Working with molecular subtypes data.

The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Research Network has reported integrated genome-wide studies of various diseases. We have added some of the subtypes defined by these report in our package. The ACC(Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network and others 2016), BRCA (Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network and others 2012c), COAD (Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network and others 2012b), GBM (Ceccarelli, Michele and Barthel, Floris P and Malta, Tathiane M and Sabedot, Thais S and Salama, Sofie R and Murray, Bradley A and Morozova, Olena and Newton, Yulia and Radenbaugh, Amie and Pagnotta, Stefano M and others 2016), HNSC (Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network and others 2015a), KICH (Davis, Caleb F and Ricketts, Christopher J and Wang, Min and Yang, Lixing and Cherniack, Andrew D and Shen, Hui and Buhay, Christian and Kang, Hyojin and Kim, Sang Cheol and Fahey, Catherine C and others 2014), KIRC(Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network and others 2013a), KIRP (Linehan, W Marston and Spellman, Paul T and Ricketts, Christopher J and Creighton, Chad J and Fei, Suzanne S and Davis, Caleb and Wheeler, David A and Murray, Bradley A and Schmidt, Laura and Vocke, Cathy D and others 2016), LGG (Ceccarelli, Michele and Barthel, Floris P and Malta, Tathiane M and Sabedot, Thais S and Salama, Sofie R and Murray, Bradley A and Morozova, Olena and Newton, Yulia and Radenbaugh, Amie and Pagnotta, Stefano M and others 2016), LUAD (Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network and others 2014b), LUSC(Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network and others 2012a), PRAD(Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network and others 2015c), READ (Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network and others 2012b), SKCM (Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network and others 2015b), STAD (Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network and others 2014a), THCA (Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network and others 2014c), UCEC (Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network and others 2013b) tumors have data added. These subtypes will be automatically added in the summarizedExperiment object through TCGAprepare. But you can also use the TCGAquery_subtype function to retrive this information.

# Check with subtypes from TCGAprepare and update examples
GBM_path_subtypes <- TCGAquery_subtype(tumor = "gbm")

LGG_path_subtypes <- TCGAquery_subtype(tumor = "lgg")

A subset of the lgg subytpe is shown below:

Table with LGG molecular subtypes from TCGAquery_subtype
patient Study BCR
1 TCGA-CS-4938 Thomas Jefferson University Brain Lower Grade Glioma IGC
2 TCGA-CS-4941 Thomas Jefferson University Brain Lower Grade Glioma IGC
3 TCGA-CS-4942 Thomas Jefferson University Brain Lower Grade Glioma IGC
4 TCGA-CS-4943 Thomas Jefferson University Brain Lower Grade Glioma IGC
5 TCGA-CS-4944 Thomas Jefferson University Brain Lower Grade Glioma IGC
6 TCGA-CS-5390 Thomas Jefferson University Brain Lower Grade Glioma IGC
7 TCGA-CS-5393 Thomas Jefferson University Brain Lower Grade Glioma IGC
8 TCGA-CS-5394 Thomas Jefferson University Brain Lower Grade Glioma IGC
9 TCGA-CS-5395 Thomas Jefferson University Brain Lower Grade Glioma IGC
10 TCGA-CS-5396 Thomas Jefferson University Brain Lower Grade Glioma IGC

GDCdownload: Downloading GDC data

You can easily download data using the GDCdownload function. It uses GDC transfer tool to download gdc data doing a system call. For this reason some times the update will stop to show, which does not means that the download process has stopped. Once the process has finished it will give a signal to R.

The data from query will be save in a folder: project/source/data.category (where source is harmonized or legacy)

The arguments are:

GDCdownload: Example of use

query <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-ACC", data.category = "Copy Number Variation",
                  data.type = "Copy Number Segment",
                  barcode = c( "TCGA-OR-A5KU-01A-11D-A29H-01", "TCGA-OR-A5JK-01A-11D-A29H-01"))
data <- GDCprepare(query)

query <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-GBM",
                  data.category = "Gene expression",
                  data.type = "Gene expression quantification",
                  platform = "Illumina HiSeq", file.type  = "normalized_results",
                  experimental.strategy = "RNA-Seq",
                  barcode = c("TCGA-14-0736-02A-01R-2005-01", "TCGA-06-0211-02A-02R-2005-01"),
                  legacy = TRUE)
z <- GDCprepare(query)

# A function to download only 20 samples
legacyPipeline <- function(project, data.category, platform, n = 20){
    query <- GDCquery(project = project,
                      data.category = data.category,
                      platform = platform,
                      legacy = TRUE)
    cases <- query$results[[1]]$cases[1:n] # Get two samples from the search
    query <- GDCquery(project = project,
                      data.category = data.category,
                      platform = platform,
                      legacy = TRUE,
             = 5,
                      barcode = cases)
    data <- GDCprepare(query)
# DNA methylation
data <- legacyPipeline("TCGA-GBM","DNA methylation","Illumina Human Methylation 27")
data <- legacyPipeline("TCGA-GBM","DNA methylation","Illumina Human Methylation 450")
data <- legacyPipeline("TCGA-GBM","DNA methylation","Illumina DNA Methylation OMA003 CPI")
data <- legacyPipeline("TCGA-GBM","DNA methylation","Illumina DNA Methylation OMA002 CPI")
data <- legacyPipeline("TCGA-GBM","DNA methylation","Illumina DNA Methylation OMA002 CPI")

GDCprepare: Preparing the data

This function is still under development, it is not working for all cases. See the tables below with the status. Examples of query, download, prepare can be found in this gist.

Harmonized data

Data.category Data.type Workflow Type Status
Transcriptome Profiling Gene Expression Quantification HTSeq - Counts Data frame or SE (losing 5% of information when mapping to genomic regions)
HTSeq - FPKM-UQ Returning only a (losing 5% of information when mapping to genomic regions)
HTSeq - FPKM Returning only a (losing 5% of information when mapping to genomic regions)
Isoform Expression Quantification Not needed
miRNA Expression Quantification Not needed Returning only a dataframe for the moment
Copy number variation Copy Number Segment Returning only a dataframe for the moment
Masked Copy Number Segment Returning only a dataframe for the moment
Simple Nucleotide Variation
Raw Sequencing Data

Legacy data

Data.category Data.type Platform file.type Status
Transcriptome Profiling
Copy number variation - Affymetrix SNP Array 6.0 nocnv_hg18.seg Working
- Affymetrix SNP Array 6.0 hg18.seg Working
- Affymetrix SNP Array 6.0 nocnv_hg19.seg Working
- Affymetrix SNP Array 6.0 hg19.seg Working
- Illumina HiSeq - Working
Simple Nucleotide Variation
Raw Sequencing Data
Protein expression MDA RPPA Core - Working
Gene expression Gene expression quantification Illumina HiSeq normalized_results Working
Illumina HiSeq results Working
HT_HG-U133A - Working
AgilentG4502A_07_2 - Data frame only
AgilentG4502A_07_1 - Data frame only
HuEx-1_0-st-v2 FIRMA.txt Not Preparing
gene.txt Not Preparing
Isoform expression quantification
miRNA gene quantification
Exon junction quantification
Exon quantification
miRNA isoform quantification
DNA methylation Illumina Human Methylation 450 Not used Working
Illumina Human Methylation 27 Not used Working
Illumina DNA Methylation OMA003 CPI Not used Working
Illumina DNA Methylation OMA002 CPI Not used Working
Illumina Hi Seq Not working
Raw Microarray Data
Structural Rearrangement

You can easily read the downloaded data using the GDCprepare function. This function will prepare the data into a SummarizedExperiment (Huber, Wolfgang and Carey, Vincent J and Gentleman, Robert and Anders, Simon and Carlson, Marc and Carvalho, Benilton S and Bravo, Hector Corrada and Davis, Sean and Gatto, Laurent and Girke, Thomas and others 2015) object for downstream analysis. For the moment this function works only with data level 3.

The arguments are:

# Downloading and prepare 
query <- GDCquery(project = "TARGET-AML", 
                  data.category = "Transcriptome Profiling", 
                  data.type = "Gene Expression Quantification", 
                  workflow.type = "HTSeq - FPKM-UQ")
data <- GDCprepare(query)

# Downloading and prepare using legacy
query <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-GBM",
                  data.category = "Protein expression",
                  legacy = TRUE, 
                  barcode = c("TCGA-OX-A56R-01A-21-A44T-20","TCGA-08-0357-01A-21-1898-20"))
data <- GDCprepare(query, save = TRUE, 
                   save.filename = "gbmProteinExpression.rda",
                   remove.files.prepared = TRUE)

# Downloading and prepare using legacy
query <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-GBM",
                  data.category = "DNA methylation", 
                  platform = "Illumina Human Methylation 27",legacy = TRUE,
                  barcode = c("TCGA-02-0047-01A-01D-0186-05","TCGA-06-2559-01A-01D-0788-05"))
data <- GDCprepare(query)

TCGAanalyze: Analyze data from TCGA.

You can easily analyze data using following functions:

TCGAanalyze_Preprocessing: Preprocessing of Gene Expression data (IlluminaHiSeq_RNASeqV2)

You can easily search TCGA samples, download and prepare a matrix of gene expression.

# You can define a list of samples to query and download providing relative TCGA barcodes.
listSamples <- c("TCGA-E9-A1NG-11A-52R-A14M-07","TCGA-BH-A1FC-11A-32R-A13Q-07",

# Query platform Illumina HiSeq with a list of barcode 
query <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-BRCA", 
                  data.category = "Gene expression",
                  data.type = "Gene Expression Quantification",
                  experimental.strategy = "RNA-Seq",
                  platform = "Illumina HiSeq",
                  file.type = "results",
                  barcode = listSamples, 
                  legacy = TRUE)

# Download a list of barcodes with platform IlluminaHiSeq_RNASeqV2

# Prepare expression matrix with geneID in the rows and samples (barcode) in the columns
# rsem.genes.results as values
BRCARnaseq_assay <- GDCprepare(query)

BRCAMatrix <- assay(BRCARnaseq_assay,"raw_counts")

# For gene expression if you need to see a boxplot correlation and AAIC plot to define outliers you can run
BRCARnaseq_CorOutliers <- TCGAanalyze_Preprocessing(BRCARnaseq_assay)

The result is shown below:

Example of a matrix of gene expression (10 genes in rows and 2 samples in columns)
TCGA-BH-A0DK-11A-13R-A089-07 TCGA-E9-A1NG-11A-52R-A14M-07
C6orf191|253582 0 0
SLC2A6|11182 46 106
SCRN2|90507 2491 3545
ALOXE3|59344 45 5
THSD7A|221981 184 429
TGFBR3|7049 10545 19966
MAP6D1|79929 166 69
FGF22|27006 2 2
C10orf11|83938 102 229
KLRK1|22914 72 209

The result from TCGAanalyze_Preprocessing is shown below:

TCGAanalyze_DEA & TCGAanalyze_LevelTab: Differential expression analysis (DEA)

Perform DEA (Differential expression analysis) to identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs) using the TCGAanalyze_DEA function.

TCGAanalyze_DEA performs DEA using following functions from R :

  1. edgeR::DGEList converts the count matrix into an edgeR object.
  2. edgeR::estimateCommonDisp each gene gets assigned the same dispersion estimate.
  3. edgeR::exactTest performs pair-wise tests for differential expression between two groups.
  4. edgeR::topTags takes the output from exactTest(), adjusts the raw p-values using the False Discovery Rate (FDR) correction, and returns the top differentially expressed genes.

This function receives as arguments:

Next, we filter the output of dataDEGs by abs(LogFC) >=1, and uses the TCGAanalyze_LevelTab function to create a table with DEGs (differentially expressed genes), log Fold Change (FC), false discovery rate (FDR), the gene expression level for samples in Cond1type, and Cond2type, and Delta value (the difference of gene expression between the two conditions multiplied logFC).

# Downstream analysis using gene expression data  
# TCGA samples from IlluminaHiSeq_RNASeqV2 with type rsem.genes.results
# save(dataBRCA, geneInfo , file = "dataGeneExpression.rda")

# normalization of genes
dataNorm <- TCGAanalyze_Normalization(tabDF = dataBRCA, geneInfo =  geneInfo)

# quantile filter of genes
dataFilt <- TCGAanalyze_Filtering(tabDF = dataNorm,
                                  method = "quantile", 
                                  qnt.cut =  0.25)

# selection of normal samples "NT"
samplesNT <- TCGAquery_SampleTypes(barcode = colnames(dataFilt),
                                   typesample = c("NT"))

# selection of tumor samples "TP"
samplesTP <- TCGAquery_SampleTypes(barcode = colnames(dataFilt), 
                                   typesample = c("TP"))

# Diff.expr.analysis (DEA)
dataDEGs <- TCGAanalyze_DEA(mat1 = dataFilt[,samplesNT],
                            mat2 = dataFilt[,samplesTP],
                            Cond1type = "Normal",
                            Cond2type = "Tumor",
                            fdr.cut = 0.01 ,
                            logFC.cut = 1,
                            method = "glmLRT")

# DEGs table with expression values in normal and tumor samples
dataDEGsFiltLevel <- TCGAanalyze_LevelTab(dataDEGs,"Tumor","Normal",

The result is shown below:

Table of DEGs after DEA
mRNA logFC FDR Tumor Normal Delta
FN1 2.88 1.296151e-19 347787.48 41234.12 1001017.3
COL1A1 1.77 1.680844e-08 358010.32 89293.72 633086.3
C4orf7 5.20 2.826474e-50 87821.36 2132.76 456425.4
COL1A2 1.40 9.480478e-06 273385.44 91241.32 383242.9
GAPDH 1.32 3.290678e-05 179057.44 63663.00 236255.5
CLEC3A 6.79 7.971002e-74 27257.16 259.60 185158.6
IGFBP5 1.24 1.060717e-04 128186.88 53323.12 158674.6
CPB1 4.27 3.044021e-37 37001.76 2637.72 157968.8
CARTPT 6.72 1.023371e-72 21700.96 215.16 145872.8
DCD 7.26 1.047988e-80 19941.20 84.80 144806.3

TCGAanalyze_EAcomplete & TCGAvisualize_EAbarplot: Enrichment Analysis

Researchers, in order to better understand the underlying biological processes, often want to retrieve a functional profile of a set of genes that might have an important role. This can be done by performing an enrichment analysis.

We will perform an enrichment analysis on gene sets using the TCGAanalyze_EAcomplete function. Given a set of genes that are up-regulated under certain conditions, an enrichment analysis will identify classes of genes or proteins that are over-represented using annotations for that gene set.

To view the results you can use the TCGAvisualize_EAbarplot function as shown below.

# Enrichment Analysis EA
# Gene Ontology (GO) and Pathway enrichment by DEGs list
Genelist <- rownames(dataDEGsFiltLevel)

system.time(ansEA <- TCGAanalyze_EAcomplete(TFname="DEA genes Normal Vs Tumor",Genelist))

# Enrichment Analysis EA (TCGAVisualize)
# Gene Ontology (GO) and Pathway enrichment barPlot

TCGAvisualize_EAbarplot(tf = rownames(ansEA$ResBP), 
                        GOBPTab = ansEA$ResBP,
                        GOCCTab = ansEA$ResCC,
                        GOMFTab = ansEA$ResMF,
                        PathTab = ansEA$ResPat,
                        nRGTab = Genelist, 
                        nBar = 10)

The result is shown below:

The figure shows canonical pathways significantly overrepresented (enriched) by the DEGs (differentially expressed genes). The most statistically significant canonical pathways identified in DEGs list are listed according to their p value corrected FDR (-Log) (colored bars) and the ratio of list genes found in each pathway over the total number of genes in that pathway (Ratio, red line).

TCGAanalyze_survival: Survival Analysis: Cox Regression and dnet package

When analyzing survival, different problems come up than the ones discussed so far. One question is how do we deal with subjects dropping out of a study. For example, assuming that we test a new cancer drug. While some subjects die, others may believe that the new drug is not effective, and decide to drop out of the study before the study is finished. A similar problem would be faced when we investigate how long a machine lasts before it breaks down.

Using the clinical data, it is possible to create a survival plot with the function TCGAanalyze_survival as follows:

clin.gbm <- GDCquery_clinic("TCGA-GBM", "clinical")
                     main = "TCGA Set\n GBM",height = 10, width=10)

The arguments of TCGAanalyze_survival are:

The result is shown below:

# Survival Analysis SA

clinical_patient_Cancer <- TCGAquery_clinic("TCGA-BRCA","clinical")
dataBRCAcomplete <- log2(BRCA_rnaseqv2)

tokenStop<- 1

tabSurvKMcomplete <- NULL

for( i in 1: round(nrow(dataBRCAcomplete)/100)){
    message( paste( i, "of ", round(nrow(dataBRCAcomplete)/100)))
    tokenStart <- tokenStop
    tokenStop <-100*i
                                      Genelist = rownames(dataBRCAcomplete)[tokenStart:tokenStop],
                                      Survresult = F,
    tabSurvKMcomplete <- rbind(tabSurvKMcomplete,tabSurvKM)

tabSurvKMcomplete <- tabSurvKMcomplete[tabSurvKMcomplete$pvalue < 0.01,]
tabSurvKMcomplete <- tabSurvKMcomplete[!duplicated(tabSurvKMcomplete$mRNA),]
rownames(tabSurvKMcomplete) <-tabSurvKMcomplete$mRNA
tabSurvKMcomplete <- tabSurvKMcomplete[,-1]
tabSurvKMcomplete <- tabSurvKMcomplete[order(tabSurvKMcomplete$pvalue, decreasing=F),]

tabSurvKMcompleteDEGs <- tabSurvKMcomplete[
    rownames(tabSurvKMcomplete) %in% dataDEGsFiltLevel$mRNA,

The result is shown below:

Table KM-survival genes after SA
pvalue Cancer Deaths Cancer Deaths with Top Cancer Deaths with Down
DCTPP1 6.204170e-08 66 46 20
APOO 9.390193e-06 65 49 16
LOC387646 1.039097e-05 69 48 21
PGK1 1.198577e-05 71 49 22
CCNE2 2.100348e-05 65 48 17
CCDC75 2.920614e-05 74 46 28
FGD3 3.039998e-05 69 23 46
FAM166B 3.575856e-05 68 25 43
MMP28 3.762361e-05 70 17 53
ADHFE1 3.907103e-05 67 22 45
Mean Tumor Top Mean Tumor Down Mean Normal
DCTPP1 13.31 12.01 11.74
APOO 11.40 10.17 10.01
LOC387646 7.92 4.64 5.90
PGK1 15.66 14.18 14.28
CCNE2 11.07 8.23 7.03
CCDC75 9.47 -Inf 9.74
FGD3 12.30 8.57 8.90
FAM166B 6.82 -Inf 7.52
MMP28 8.55 -Inf 9.06
ADHFE1 9.04 6.13 10.10

TCGAanalyze_DMR: Differentially methylated regions Analysis

We will search for differentially methylated CpG sites using the TCGAanalyze_DMR function. In order to find these regions we use the beta-values (methylation values ranging from 0.0 to 1.0) to compare two groups.

First, it calculates the difference between the mean DNA methylation of each group for each probe.

Second, it test for differential expression between two groups using the wilcoxon test adjusting by the Benjamini-Hochberg method. The default arguments was set to require a minimum absolute beta-values difference of 0.2 and am adjusted p-value of < 0.01.

After these tests, we save a volcano plot (x-axis:diff mean methylation, y-axis: statistical significance) that will help the user identify the differentially methylated CpG sites, then the results are saved in a csv file (DMR_results.groupCol.group1.group2.csv) and finally the object is returned with the calculus in the rowRanges.

The arguments of TCGAanalyze_DMR are:

data <- TCGAanalyze_DMR(data, groupCol = "methylation_subtype",
                        group1 = "CIMP.H",
                        p.cut = 10^-5,
                        diffmean.cut = 0.25,
                        legend = "State",
                        plot.filename = "coad_CIMPHvsCIMPL_metvolcano.png")

The output will be a plot such as the figure below. The green dots are the probes that are hypomethylated in group 2 compared to group 1, while the red dots are the hypermethylated probes in group 2 compared to group 1

Also, the TCGAanalyze_DMR function will save the plot as pdf and return the same SummarizedExperiment that was given as input with the values of p-value, p-value adjusted, diffmean and the group it belongs in the graph (non significant, hypomethylated, hypermethylated) in the rowRanges. The collumns will be (where group1 and group2 are the names of the groups):

This values can be view/acessed using the rowRanges acessesor (rowRanges(data)).

Observation: Calling the same function again, with the same arguments will only plot the results, as it was already calculated. If you want to have them recalculated, please set overwrite to TRUE or remove the calculated collumns.

TCGAvisualize: Visualize results from analysis functions with TCGA’s data.

You can easily visualize results from some following functions:

TCGAvisualize_Heatmap: Create heatmaps with cluster bars

In order to have a better view of clusters, we normally use heatmaps. TCGAvisualize_Heatmap will plot a heatmap and add to each sample bars representing different features. This function is a wrapper to the package ComplexHeatmap package,

The arguments of this function are:

For more information please take a look on case study #2.

The result is shown below:

TCGAvisualize_Volcano: Create volcano plot

Creates a volcano plot for DNA methylation or expression

The arguments of this function are:

For more information please take a look on case study #3.


The visualize the MAF files we created a function called TCGAvisualize_oncoprint that uses the ComplexHeatmap to create an oncoprint.

mut <- GDCquery_Maf(tumor = "ACC")
clin <- GDCquery_clinic("TCGA-ACC","clinical")
clin <- clin[,c("bcr_patient_barcode","disease","gender","tumor_stage","race","vital_status")]
TCGAvisualize_oncoprint(mut = mut, genes = mut$Hugo_Symbol[1:20],
                        filename = "oncoprint.pdf",
                        annotation = clin,
                        heatmap.legend.side = "right",
                        dist.col = 0, 
                        width = 5,
                        label.font.size = 10)

The columns are the samples and the rows are genes. The upper histograms shows the number of mutation of each samples, the right histogram shows the number of patients that has that mutation (which is also represented by the percentage numbers in the left side of the plot).

TCGAvisualize_PCA: Principal Component Analysis plot for differentially expressed genes

In order to better understand our genes, we can perform a PCA to reduce the number of dimensions of our gene set. The function TCGAvisualize_PCA will plot the PCA for different groups.

The arguments of this function are:

# normalization of genes
dataNorm <- TCGAbiolinks::TCGAanalyze_Normalization(dataBRCA, geneInfo)

# quantile filter of genes
dataFilt <- TCGAanalyze_Filtering(tabDF = dataNorm,
                                  method = "quantile", 
                                  qnt.cut =  0.25)

# Principal Component Analysis plot for ntop selected DEGs
TCGAvisualize_PCA(dataFilt,dataDEGsFiltLevel, ntopgenes = 200)

The result is shown below:

TCGAvisualize_SurvivalCoxNET Survival Analysis: Cox Regression and dnet package

TCGAvisualize_SurvivalCoxNET can help an user to identify a group of survival genes that are significant from univariate Kaplan Meier Analysis and also for Cox Regression.

It shows in the end a network build with community of genes with similar range of pvalues from Cox regression (same color) and that interaction among those genes is already validated in literatures using the STRING database (version 9.1).

# Survival Analysis SA

clinical_patient_Cancer <- TCGAquery_clinic("brca","clinical_patient")
dataBRCAcomplete <- log2(BRCA_rnaseqv2)

tokenStop<- 1

tabSurvKMcomplete <- NULL

for( i in 1: round(nrow(dataBRCAcomplete)/100)){
    message( paste( i, "of ", round(nrow(dataBRCAcomplete)/100)))
    tokenStart <- tokenStop
    tokenStop <-100*i
    tabSurvKM <- TCGAanalyze_SurvivalKM(clinical_patient_Cancer,
                                        Genelist = rownames(dataBRCAcomplete)[tokenStart:tokenStop],
                                        Survresult = F,ThreshTop=0.67,ThreshDown=0.33)
    tabSurvKMcomplete <- rbind(tabSurvKMcomplete,tabSurvKM)

tabSurvKMcomplete <- tabSurvKMcomplete[tabSurvKMcomplete$pvalue < 0.01,]
tabSurvKMcomplete <- tabSurvKMcomplete[!duplicated(tabSurvKMcomplete$mRNA),]
rownames(tabSurvKMcomplete) <-tabSurvKMcomplete$mRNA
tabSurvKMcomplete <- tabSurvKMcomplete[,-1]
tabSurvKMcomplete <- tabSurvKMcomplete[order(tabSurvKMcomplete$pvalue, decreasing=F),]

tabSurvKMcompleteDEGs <- tabSurvKMcomplete[rownames(tabSurvKMcomplete) %in% dataDEGsFiltLevel$mRNA,]

tflist <- EAGenes[EAGenes$Family == "transcription regulator","Gene"]
tabSurvKMcomplete_onlyTF <- tabSurvKMcomplete[rownames(tabSurvKMcomplete) %in% tflist,]

TabCoxNet <- TCGAvisualize_SurvivalCoxNET(clinical_patient_Cancer,dataBRCAcomplete,
                                          Genelist = rownames(tabSurvKMcompleteDEGs),
                                          scoreConfidence = 700,
                                          titlePlot = "TCGAvisualize_SurvivalCoxNET Example")

In particular the survival analysis with kaplan meier and cox regression allow user to reduce the feature / number of genes significant for survival. And using ‘dnet’ pipeline with ‘TCGAvisualize_SurvivalCoxNET’ function the user can further filter those genes according some already validated interaction according STRING database. This is important because the user can have an idea about the biology inside the survival discrimination and further investigate in a sub-group of genes that are working in as synergistic effect influencing the risk of survival. In the following picture the user can see some community of genes with same color and survival pvalues.

The result is shown below:

TCGAvisualize_meanMethylation: Mean DNA Methylation Analysis

Using the data and calculating the mean DNA methylation per group, it is possible to create a mean DNA methylation boxplot with the function TCGAvisualize_meanMethylation as follows:

query <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-GBM",
                  data.category = "DNA methylation",
                  platform = "Illumina Human Methylation 27",
                  legacy = TRUE, 
                  barcode = c("TCGA-02-0058-01A-01D-0186-05", "TCGA-12-1597-01B-01D-0915-05",
                              "TCGA-12-0829-01A-01D-0392-05", "TCGA-06-0155-01B-01D-0521-05",
                              "TCGA-02-0099-01A-01D-0199-05", "TCGA-19-4068-01A-01D-1228-05",
                              "TCGA-19-1788-01A-01D-0595-05", "TCGA-16-0848-01A-01D-0392-05"))
GDCdownload(query, method = "api")
data <- GDCprepare(query)
# "shortLetterCode" is a column in the SummarizedExperiment::colData(data) matrix
TCGAvisualize_meanMethylation(data, groupCol = "shortLetterCode",filename = NULL)
## groups         Mean      Median         Max         Min
## -------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
## TP        0.2785957   0.2733131   0.3270671   0.2341192

The arguments of TCGAvisualize_meanMethylation are:

Other examples using the parameters:

# setting y limits: lower 0, upper 1
TCGAvisualize_meanMethylation(data,groupCol = "shortLetterCode",filename = NULL, y.limits = c(0,1))
## groups         Mean      Median         Max         Min
## -------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
## TP        0.2785957   0.2733131   0.3270671   0.2341192

# setting y limits: lower 0
TCGAvisualize_meanMethylation(data,groupCol = "shortLetterCode",filename = NULL, y.limits = 0)
## groups         Mean      Median         Max         Min
## -------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
## TP        0.2785957   0.2733131   0.3270671   0.2341192

# Changing shapes of jitters to show subgroups
                              groupCol  = "subtype_Pan.Glioma.DNA.Methylation.Cluster", 
                              subgroupCol="vital_status", filename = NULL)
## groups         Mean      Median         Max         Min
## -------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
## LGm1      0.3270671   0.3270671   0.3270671   0.3270671
## LGm2      0.3232846   0.3232846   0.3232846   0.3232846
## LGm5      0.2577566   0.2487907   0.2961445   0.2373007
## NA        0.2736938   0.2736938   0.3132684   0.2341192
##        LGm1   LGm2   LGm5 
## -----  -----  -----  -----
## LGm1   NA     NA     NA   
## LGm2   NA     NA     NA   
## LGm5   NA     NA     NA

# Sorting bars by descending mean methylation
                              groupCol  = "subtype_Pan.Glioma.DNA.Methylation.Cluster",sort="mean.desc",filename=NULL)
## groups         Mean      Median         Max         Min
## -------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
## LGm1      0.3270671   0.3270671   0.3270671   0.3270671
## LGm2      0.3232846   0.3232846   0.3232846   0.3232846
## LGm5      0.2577566   0.2487907   0.2961445   0.2373007
## NA        0.2736938   0.2736938   0.3132684   0.2341192
##        LGm1   LGm2   LGm5 
## -----  -----  -----  -----
## LGm1   NA     NA     NA   
## LGm2   NA     NA     NA   
## LGm5   NA     NA     NA

# Sorting bars by asc mean methylation
TCGAvisualize_meanMethylation(data,groupCol  = "subtype_Pan.Glioma.DNA.Methylation.Cluster",
## groups         Mean      Median         Max         Min
## -------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
## LGm1      0.3270671   0.3270671   0.3270671   0.3270671
## LGm2      0.3232846   0.3232846   0.3232846   0.3232846
## LGm5      0.2577566   0.2487907   0.2961445   0.2373007
## NA        0.2736938   0.2736938   0.3132684   0.2341192
##        LGm1   LGm2   LGm5 
## -----  -----  -----  -----
## LGm1   NA     NA     NA   
## LGm2   NA     NA     NA   
## LGm5   NA     NA     NA

TCGAvisualize_meanMethylation(data,groupCol  = "vital_status",sort="mean.asc",filename=NULL)
## groups         Mean      Median         Max         Min
## -------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
## alive     0.2961445   0.2961445   0.2961445   0.2961445
## dead      0.2760888   0.2504818   0.3270671   0.2341192
##         alive   dead 
## ------  ------  -----
## alive   NA      NA   
## dead    NA      NA

TCGAvisualize_starburst: Integration of gene expression and DNA methylation data

The starburst plot is proposed to combine information from two volcano plots, and is applied for a study of DNA methylation and gene expression. It first introduced in 2010 (Noushmehr, H., Weisenberger, D.J., Diefes, K., Phillips, H.S., Pujara, K., Berman, B.P., Pan, F., Pelloski, C.E., Sulman, E.P., Bhat, K.P. et al. 2010). In order to reproduce this plot, we will use the TCGAvisualize_starburst function.

The function creates Starburst plot for comparison of DNA methylation and gene expression. The log10 (FDR-corrected P value) for DNA methylation is plotted in the x axis, and for gene expression in the y axis, for each gene. The black dashed line shows the FDR-adjusted P value of 0.01.

The arguments of this function are:

starburst <- TCGAvisualize_starburst(coad.SummarizeExperiment, 
                                     group1 = "CIMP.H",
                                     group2 = "CIMP.L",
                                     met.p.cut = 10^-5, 
                                     names = TRUE)

As a result, the function will a plot the figure below and return a matrix with the Gene_symbol and it status in relation to expression (up regulated/down regulated) and to methylation (Hyper/Hypo methylated). The case study 3, shows the complete pipeline for creating this figure.

TCGA Downstream Analysis: Case Studies


This vignette shows a complete workflow of the TCGAbiolinks package. The code is divided in 4 case study:

Arguments definition

query.exp <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-BRCA", 
                      legacy = TRUE,
                      data.category = "Gene expression",
                      data.type = "Gene expression quantification",
                      platform = "Illumina HiSeq", 
                      file.type = "results",
                      experimental.strategy = "RNA-Seq",
                      sample.type = c("Primary solid Tumor","Solid Tissue Normal"))
brca.exp <- GDCprepare(query = query.exp, save = TRUE, save.filename = "brcaExp.rda")

# get subtype information
dataSubt <- TCGAquery_subtype(tumor = "BRCA")

# get clinical data
dataClin <- GDCquery_clinic(project = "TCGA-BRCA","clinical") 

# Which samples are primary solid tumor
dataSmTP <- TCGAquery_SampleTypes(query.exp$results[[1]]$cases,"TP") 
# which samples are solid tissue normal
dataSmNT <- TCGAquery_SampleTypes(query.exp$results[[1]]$cases,"NT")

Using TCGAnalyze_DEA, we identified 3,390 differentially expression genes (DEG) (log fold change >=1 and FDR < 1%) between 114 normal and 1097 BRCA samples. In order to understand the underlying biological process from DEGs we performed an enrichment analysis using TCGAnalyze_EA_complete function.

dataPrep <- TCGAanalyze_Preprocessing(object = brca.exp, cor.cut = 0.6)                      

dataNorm <- TCGAanalyze_Normalization(tabDF = dataPrep,
                                      geneInfo = geneInfo,
                                      method = "gcContent")                

dataFilt <- TCGAanalyze_Filtering(tabDF = dataNorm,
                                  method = "quantile", 
                                  qnt.cut =  0.25)   

dataDEGs <- TCGAanalyze_DEA(mat1 = dataFilt[,dataSmNT],
                            mat2 = dataFilt[,dataSmTP],
                            Cond1type = "Normal",
                            Cond2type = "Tumor",
                            fdr.cut = 0.01 ,
                            logFC.cut = 1,
                            method = "glmLRT")  

TCGAbiolinks outputs bar chart with the number of genes for the main categories of three ontologies (GO:biological process, GO:cellular component, and GO:molecular function, respectively).

ansEA <- TCGAanalyze_EAcomplete(TFname="DEA genes Normal Vs Tumor",
                                RegulonList = rownames(dataDEGs))  

TCGAvisualize_EAbarplot(tf = rownames(ansEA$ResBP),
                        GOBPTab = ansEA$ResBP,
                        GOCCTab = ansEA$ResCC,
                        GOMFTab = ansEA$ResMF,
                        PathTab = ansEA$ResPat,
                        nRGTab = rownames(dataDEGs),
                        nBar = 20)

The figure resulted from the code above is shown below.

The Kaplan-Meier analysis was used to compute survival univariate curves, and
log-Ratio test was computed to assess the statistical significance by using TCGAanalyze_SurvivalKM function; starting with 3,390 DEGs genes we found 555 significantly genes with p.value <0.05.

dataSurv <- TCGAanalyze_SurvivalKM(clinical_patient = dataClin,
                                   dataGE = dataFilt,
                                   Genelist = rownames(dataDEGs),
                                   Survresult = FALSE,
                                   ThreshTop = 0.67,
                                   ThreshDown = 0.33,
                                   p.cut = 0.05)

Cox-regression analysis was used to compute survival multivariate curves, and cox p-value was computed to assess the statistical significance by using TCGAnalyze_SurvivalCoxNET function. Survival multivariate analysis found 160 significantly genes according to the cox p-value FDR 5.00e-02. From DEGs that we found to correlate significantly with survival by both univariate and multivariate analyses we analyzed the following network.

The interactome network graph was generated using STRING.,org.Hs.string version 10 (Human functional protein association network). The network graph was resized by dnet package considering only multivariate survival genes, with strong interaction (threshold = 700) we obtained a subgraphsub graph of 24 nodes and 31 edges.

require(dnet)  # to change
org.Hs.string <- dRDataLoader(RData = "org.Hs.string")

TabCoxNet <- TCGAvisualize_SurvivalCoxNET(dataClin,
                                          Genelist = rownames(dataSurv),
                                          scoreConfidence = 700,
                                          org.Hs.string = org.Hs.string,
                                          titlePlot = "Case Study n.1 dnet")

The figure resulted from the code above is shown below.

Case study n. 2: Pan Cancer downstream analysis LGG

We focused on the analysis of LGG samples. In particular, we used TCGAbiolinks to download 293 samples with molecular subtypes. Link the complete complete code. .


query.exp <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-LGG", 
                      legacy = TRUE,
                      data.category = "Gene expression",
                      data.type = "Gene expression quantification",
                      platform = "Illumina HiSeq", 
                      file.type = "results",
                      experimental.strategy = "RNA-Seq",
                      sample.type = "Primary solid Tumor")
lgg.exp <- GDCprepare(query = query.exp, save = TRUE, save.filename = "lggExp.rda")

# get subtype information
dataSubt <- TCGAquery_subtype(tumor = "LGG")

# get indexed clinical data
dataClin <- GDCquery_clinic(project = "TCGA-LGG", "Clinical")

First, we searched for possible outliers using the TCGAanalyze_Preprocessing function, which performs an Array Array Intensity correlation AAIC. We used all samples in expression data which contain molecular subtypes, filtering out samples without molecular information, and using only IDHmut-codel (n=85), IDHmut-non-codel (n=141) and IDHwt (n=56), NA (11), to define a square symetric matrix of pearson correlation among all samples (n=293). According to this matrix we found no samples with low correlation (cor.cut = 0.6) that can be identified as possible outliers, so we continued our analysis with 70 samples.

Second, using the TCGAanalyze_Normalization function we normalized mRNA transcripts and miRNA, using EDASeq package. This function does use Within-lane normalization procedures to adjust for GC-content effect (or other gene-level effects) on read counts: loess robust local regression, global-scaling, and full-quantile normalization (Risso, D., Schwartz, K., Sherlock, G., & Dudoit, S. 2011) and between-lane normalization procedures to adjust for distributional differences between lanes (e.g., sequencing depth): global-scaling and full-quantile normalization (James H Bullard, Elizabeth Purdom, Kasper D Hansen and Sandrine Dudoit 2010).

Third, using the TCGAanalyze_Filtering function we applied 3 filters removing features / mRNAs with low signal across samples obtaining 4578, 4284, 1187 mRNAs respectively.

Then we applied two Hierarchical cluster analysis on 1187 mRNAs after the three filters described above, the first cluster using as method ward.D2, and the second with ConsensusClusterPlus.

After the two clustering analysis, with cut.tree =4 we obtained n=4 espression clusters (EC).

# expression data with molecular subtypes
lgg.exp <- subset(lgg.exp, select = colData(lgg.exp)$patient %in% dataSubt$patient)

dataPrep <- TCGAanalyze_Preprocessing(object = lgg.exp,cor.cut = 0.6)
dataNorm <- TCGAanalyze_Normalization(tabDF = dataPrep,
                                      geneInfo = geneInfo,
                                      method = "gcContent")

datFilt1 <- TCGAanalyze_Filtering(tabDF = dataNorm,method = "varFilter")
datFilt2 <- TCGAanalyze_Filtering(tabDF = datFilt1,method = "filter1")
datFilt <- TCGAanalyze_Filtering(tabDF = datFilt2,method = "filter2")

data_Hc1 <- TCGAanalyze_Clustering(tabDF = datFilt,
                                   method = "hclust",
                                   methodHC = "ward.D2")
data_Hc2 <- TCGAanalyze_Clustering(tabDF = datFilt,
                                   method = "consensus",
                                   methodHC = "ward.D2") 

For the next steps, we will merge the clinical data with with the the cluster information and we will add the subtype information.

#------  Add cluster information
cluster <- data.frame("groupsHC" = data_Hc2[[4]]$consensusClass)
cluster$groupsHC <- paste0("EC",cluster$groupsHC)
cluster$patient <-  substr(colData(lgg.exp)$patient,1,12)

# Add information about gropus from consensus Cluster in clinical data
dataClin <- merge(dataClin,cluster, by.x="bcr_patient_barcode", by.y="patient")

# Merge subtype and clinical data
clin_subt <- merge(dataClin,dataSubt, by.x="bcr_patient_barcode", by.y="patient")
clin_subt_all <- merge(dataClin,dataSubt, 
                       by.x="bcr_patient_barcode", by.y="patient", all.x = TRUE)

The next steps will be to visualize the data. First, we created the survival plot.

#----------- VISUALIZE --------------------
# plotting survival for groups EC1, EC2, EC3, EC4
TCGAanalyze_survival(data = clin_subt_all,
                     clusterCol = "groupsHC",
                     main = "TCGA kaplan meier survival plot from consensus cluster",
                     legend = "RNA Group",
                     color = c("black","red","blue","green3"),
                     filename = "case2_surv.png")

The result is showed below:

We will also, create a heatmap of the expression.

                      col.metadata =  clin_subt[,c("bcr_patient_barcode",
                      col.colors =  list(
                          groupsHC = c("EC1"="black",
                          IDH.codel.subtype = c("IDHmut-codel"="tomato",
                      sortCol = "groupsHC",
                      type = "expression", # sets default color
                      scale = "row", # use z-scores for better visualization
                      title = "Heatmap from concensus cluster", 
                      filename = "case2_Heatmap.pdf",
                      cluster_rows = TRUE)

The result is shown below:

Finally, we will take a look in the mutation genes. We will first download the maf file with TCGAquery_maf. In this example we will investigate the gene “ATRX”.

LGGmut <- GDCquery_Maf(tumor = "LGG") 
# Selecting gene
mRNAsel <- "ATRX"
LGGselected <- LGGmut[LGGmut$Hugo_Symbol == mRNAsel,]

dataMut <- LGGselected[!duplicated(LGGselected$Tumor_Sample_Barcode),]
dataMut$Tumor_Sample_Barcode <- substr(dataMut$Tumor_Sample_Barcode,1,12)

# Adding the Expression Cluster classification found before
dataMut <- merge(dataMut, cluster, by.y="patient", by.x="Tumor_Sample_Barcode")
dataMut <- dataMut[dataMut$Variant_Classification!=0,]

Case study n. 3: Integration of methylation and expression for ACC

In recent years, it has been described the relationship between DNA methylation and gene expression and the study of this relationship is often difficult to accomplish.

This case study will show the steps to investigate the relationship between the two types of data.

First, we downloaded ACC DNA methylation data for HumanMethylation450k platforms, and ACC RNA expression data for Illumina HiSeq platform.

TCGAbiolinks adds by default the subtypes classification already published by researchers.

We will use this classification to do our examples. So, selected the groups CIMP-low and CIMP-high to do RNA expression and DNA methylation comparison.

# STEP 1: Search, download, prepare |
# 1.1 - DNA methylation
# ----------------------------------
query.met <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-ACC", 
                      legacy = TRUE,
                      data.category = "DNA methylation",
                      platform = "Illumina Human Methylation 450")

acc.met <- GDCprepare(query = query.met,
                      save = TRUE, 
                      save.filename = "accDNAmet.rda",
                      summarizedExperiment = TRUE)

# 1.2 - RNA expression
# ----------------------------------
query.exp <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-ACC", 
                      legacy = TRUE,
                      data.category = "Gene expression",
                      data.type = "Gene expression quantification",
                      platform = "Illumina HiSeq", 
                      file.type = "results")
acc.exp <- GDCprepare(query = query.exp, save = TRUE, save.filename = "accExp.rda")

We will first investigate the mean methylation of the methylation groups and highlight the hypermutated subgroup.

# STEP 2: Analysis
# 2.1 - Mean methylation of samples
# -------------------------------------------
                              groupCol = "subtype_MethyLevel",
                              subgroupCol = "subtype_Histology",
                              group.legend  = "Groups",
                              subgroup.legend = "Histology",
                              filename = "acc_mean.png")

The figure resulted from the code above is shown below:

For DNA methylation, we do a DMR (different methylated region) analysis, which will give the difference of DNA methylation for the probes of the groups and their significance value. The output can be seen in a volcano plot. Note: Depending on the number of samples this function can be very slow due to the wilcoxon test, taking from hours to days.

# na.omit
acc.met <- subset(acc.met,subset = (rowSums( == 0))

# Volcano plot
acc.met <- TCGAanalyze_DMR(acc.met, groupCol = "subtype_MethyLevel",
                           group1 = "CIMP-high",
                           p.cut = 10^-5,
                           diffmean.cut = 0.25,
                           legend = "State",
                           plot.filename = "CIMP-highvsCIMP-low_metvolcano.png")

The figure resulted from the code above is shown below:

For the expression analysis, we do a DEA (differential expression analysis) which will give the fold change of gene expression and their significance value.

# 2.3 - DEA - Expression analysis - volcano plot
# ------------------------------------------------
acc.exp.aux <- subset(acc.exp, 
                      select = colData(acc.exp)$subtype_MethyLevel %in% c("CIMP-high","CIMP-low"))

idx <- colData(acc.exp.aux)$subtype_MethyLevel %in% c("CIMP-high")
idx2 <- colData(acc.exp.aux)$subtype_MethyLevel %in% c("CIMP-low")

dataPrep <- TCGAanalyze_Preprocessing(object = acc.exp.aux, cor.cut = 0.6)

dataNorm <- TCGAanalyze_Normalization(tabDF = dataPrep,
                                      geneInfo = geneInfo,
                                      method = "gcContent")

dataFilt <- TCGAanalyze_Filtering(tabDF = dataNorm,
                                  qnt.cut = 0.25,

dataDEGs <- TCGAanalyze_DEA(mat1 = dataFilt[,idx],
                            mat2 = dataFilt[,idx2],
                            Cond1type = "CIMP-high",
                            Cond2type = "CIMP-low",
                            method = "glmLRT")

                      filename = "Case3_volcanoexp.png",
                      x.cut = 3,
                      y.cut = 10^-5,
                      names = rownames(dataDEGs),
                      color = c("black","red","darkgreen"),
                      names.size = 2,
                      xlab = " Gene expression fold change (Log2)",
                      legend = "State",
                      title = "Volcano plot (CIMP-high vs CIMP-low)",
                      width = 10)

The figure resulted from the code above is shown below:

Finally, using both previous analysis we do a starburst plot to select the genes that are Candidate Biologically Significant.

Observation: over the time, the number of samples has increased and the clinical data updated. We used only the samples that had a classification in the examples.

# 2.4 - Starburst plot
# -----------------------------------------
# If true the argument names of the geenes in circle 
# (biologically significant genes, has a change in gene
# expression and DNA methylation and respects all the thresholds)
# will be shown
# these genes are returned by the function see starburst object after the function is executed
starburst <- TCGAvisualize_starburst(acc.met, dataDEGs,"CIMP-high","CIMP-low",
                                     filename = "starburst.png",
                                     met.p.cut = 10^-5,
                                     exp.p.cut = 10^-5,
                                     diffmean.cut = 0.25,
                                     logFC.cut = 3,
                                     names = FALSE, 

The figure resulted from the code above is shown below:

Case study n. 4: Elmer pipeline - KIRC

One of the biggest problems related to anlysis of data is the preparation phase, which often consists of successive steps in order to prepare it to a format acceptable by certain algorithms and software.

With the objective of assisting users in this arduous step, TCGAbiolinks will offer to prepare the data in order to obtain the correct format for different packages.

An example of package to perform DNA methylation and RNA expression analysis is ELMER (Huber, Wolfgang and Carey, Vincent J and Gentleman, Robert and Anders, Simon and Carlson, Marc and Carvalho, Benilton S and Bravo, Hector Corrada and Davis, Sean and Gatto, Laurent and Girke, Thomas and others 2015). ELMER, which is designed to combine DNA methylation and gene expression data from human tissues to infer multi-level cis-regulatory networks. ELMER uses DNA methylation to identify enhancers, and correlates enhancer state with expression of nearby genes to identify one or more transcriptional targets. Transcription factor (TF) binding site analysis of enhancers is coupled with expression analysis of all TFs to infer upstream regulators. This package can be easily applied to TCGA public available cancer data sets and custom DNA methylation and gene expression data sets.

ELMER analyses have 5 main steps:

  1. Identify distal enhancer probes on HM450K.
  2. Identify distal enhancer probes with significantly different DNA methyaltion level in control group and experiment group.
  3. Identify putative target genes for differentially methylated distal enhancer probes.
  4. Identify enriched motifs for the distal enhancer probes which are significantly differentially methylated and linked to putative target gene.
  5. Identify regulatory TFs whose expression associate with DNA methylation at motifs.

We will present this the study KIRC by TCGAbiolinks and ELMER integration. For more information, please consult the ELMER package.

For the DNA methylation data we will search the platform HumanMethylation450 and level 3 data with TCGAquery. After, we will download the data with TCGAdownload and the data will be prepared into a data.frame object with TCGAprepare. TCGAprepare_elmer will be used to prepare the data frame to ELMER.

# STEP 1: Search, download, prepare |
# 1.1 - DNA methylation
# ----------------------------------
query.met <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-KIRC", 
                      legacy = TRUE,
                      data.category = "DNA methylation",
                      platform = "Illumina Human Methylation 450")
kirc.met <- GDCprepare(query = query.met,
                       save = TRUE, 
                       save.filename = "kircDNAmet.rda",
                       summarizedExperiment = TRUE)

kirc.met <- TCGAprepare_elmer(kirc.met, 
                              platform = "HumanMethylation450",
                              save = TRUE,
                     = 0.2)

For the gene expression data we will search the platform IlluminaHiSeq_RNASeqV2 and level 3 data with TCGAquery. Next, we will download the normalized_results data with TCGAdownload and prepare it into a data.frame object with TCGAprepare. TCGAprepare_elmer will be used to prepare the data frame to ELMER.

# Step 1.2 download expression data
# 1.2 - RNA expression
# ----------------------------------
query.exp <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-KIRC", 
                      legacy = TRUE,
                      data.category = "Gene expression",
                      data.type = "Gene expression quantification",
                      platform = "Illumina HiSeq", 
                      file.type = "normalized_results")
kirc.exp <- GDCprepare(query = query.exp, save = TRUE, save.filename = "kirkExp.rda")

kirc.exp <- TCGAprepare_elmer(kirc.exp,
                              save = TRUE,
                              platform = "IlluminaHiSeq_RNASeqV2") 

The ELMER input is a mee object that contains the methylation matrix, the expression matrix, the probe information, the gene information and a table with a summary of the data.

# STEP 2: ELMER integration         |
# Step 2.1 prepare mee object       |
# -----------------------------------

geneAnnot <- txs()
geneAnnot$GENEID <- paste0("ID",geneAnnot$GENEID)
geneInfo <- promoters(geneAnnot,upstream = 0, downstream = 0)
probe <- get.feature.probe()
mee <- fetch.mee(meth = kirc.met, exp = kirc.exp, TCGA = TRUE,
                 probeInfo = probe, geneInfo = geneInfo)

The code below excute steps 2-5 showed above:

direction <- c("hyper","hypo")

for (j in direction){
    dir.out <- paste0("kirc/",j)
    dir.create(dir.out, recursive = TRUE)
    # STEP 3: Analysis                     |
    # Step 3.1: Get diff methylated probes |
    Sig.probes <- get.diff.meth(mee, cores=detectCores(),
                                dir.out =dir.out,
                                pvalue = 0.01)
    # Step 3.2: Identify significant probe-gene pairs            |
    # Collect nearby 20 genes for Sig.probes
    nearGenes <- GetNearGenes(TRange=getProbeInfo(mee, probe=Sig.probes$probe),
    pair <- get.pair(mee=mee,
                     label= j,
                     Pe = 0.001)
    Sig.probes.paired <- fetch.pair(pair=pair,
                                    probeInfo = getProbeInfo(mee),
                                    geneInfo = getGeneInfo(mee))
    Sig.probes.paired <-read.csv(paste0(dir.out,"/getPair.",j,".pairs.significant.csv"),
    # Step 3.3: Motif enrichment analysis on the selected probes |
    if(length(Sig.probes.paired) > 0 ){
        # Step 3.3: Motif enrichment analysis on the selected probes |
        enriched.motif <- get.enriched.motif(probes=Sig.probes.paired,
                                             dir.out=dir.out, label=j,
                                             background.probes = probe$name)
        if(length(enriched.motif) > 0){
            # Step 3.4: Identifying regulatory TFs                        |
            TF <- get.TFs(mee = mee,
                          enriched.motif = enriched.motif,
                          dir.out = dir.out,
                          cores = detectCores(), label = j)
            save(TF, enriched.motif, Sig.probes.paired,
                 pair, nearGenes, Sig.probes,

From this analysis it is possible to verify the relationship between nearby 20 gene expression vs DNA methylation at this probe. The result of this is show by the ELMER scatter plot.

scatter.plot(mee,byProbe=list(probe=c("cg00328720"),geneNum=20), category="TN", lm_line = TRUE)

The result is shown below:

Each scatter plot showing the average DNA methylation level of sites with the UA6 motif in all KIRC samples plotted against the expression of the transcription factor ZNF677 and PEG3 respectively.

scatter.plot(mee,byTF = list(TF = c("ZNF677","PEG3"),
                          probe = enriched.motif[["UA6"]]), category = "TN",
                          save = TRUE, lm_line = TRUE, dir.out = "kirc")

The result is shown below:

The schematic plot shows probe colored in blue and the location of nearby 20 genes. The genes significantly linked to the probe were shown in red.

pair <- fetch.pair(pair="./kirc/getPair.hypo.pairs.significant.csv",
                   probeInfo = mee@probeInfo, geneInfo = mee@geneInfo)
schematic.plot(pair=pair, byProbe="cg15862394",save=FALSE)

The result is shown below:

The plot shows the odds ratio (x axis) for the selected motifs with OR above 1.3 and lower boundary of OR above 1.3. The range shows the 95% confidence interval for each Odds Ratio.

Session Information

## R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS
## locale:
##  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
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## attached base packages:
## [1] grid      stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
## [8] base     
## other attached packages:
## [1] png_0.1-7           TCGAbiolinks_2.0.13 BiocStyle_2.0.3    
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##   [1] circlize_0.3.9                         
##   [2] aroma.light_3.2.0                      
##   [3] plyr_1.8.4                             
##   [4] igraph_1.0.1                           
##   [5] ConsensusClusterPlus_1.36.0            
##   [6] splines_3.3.1                          
##   [7] BiocParallel_1.6.6                     
##   [8] GenomeInfoDb_1.8.7                     
##   [9] ggplot2_2.1.0                          
##  [10] TH.data_1.0-7                          
##  [11] digest_0.6.10                          
##  [12] foreach_1.4.3                          
##  [13] BiocInstaller_1.22.3                   
##  [14] htmltools_0.3.5                        
##  [15] gdata_2.17.0                           
##  [16] magrittr_1.5                           
##  [17] memoise_1.0.0                          
##  [18] cluster_2.0.4                          
##  [19] doParallel_1.0.10                      
##  [20] limma_3.28.21                          
##  [21] ComplexHeatmap_1.10.2                  
##  [22] Biostrings_2.40.2                      
##  [23] readr_1.0.0                            
##  [24] annotate_1.50.0                        
##  [25] matrixStats_0.50.2                     
##  [26] R.utils_2.4.0                          
##  [27] sandwich_2.3-4                         
##  [28] colorspace_1.2-6                       
##  [29] ggrepel_0.5                            
##  [30] rvest_0.3.2                            
##  [31] dplyr_0.5.0                            
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##  [34] jsonlite_1.1                           
##  [35] hexbin_1.27.1                          
##  [36] TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene_3.2.2
##  [37] graph_1.50.0                           
##  [38] roxygen2_5.0.1                         
##  [39] genefilter_1.54.2                      
##  [40] supraHex_1.10.0                        
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##  [42] zoo_1.7-13                             
##  [43] iterators_1.0.8                        
##  [44] ape_3.5                                
##  [45] gtable_0.2.0                           
##  [46] zlibbioc_1.18.0                        
##  [47] XVector_0.12.1                         
##  [48] GetoptLong_0.1.5                       
##  [49] kernlab_0.9-25                         
##  [50] Rgraphviz_2.16.0                       
##  [51] shape_1.4.2                            
##  [52] prabclus_2.2-6                         
##  [53] BiocGenerics_0.18.0                    
##  [54] DEoptimR_1.0-6                         
##  [55] scales_0.4.0                           
##  [56] DESeq_1.24.0                           
##  [57] mvtnorm_1.0-5                          
##  [58] DBI_0.5-1                              
##  [59] GGally_1.2.0                           
##  [60] edgeR_3.14.0                           
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##  [75] R.methodsS3_1.7.1                      
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##  [77] nnet_7.3-12                            
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##  [80] AnnotationDbi_1.34.4                   
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##  [82] tools_3.3.1                            
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## [105] geneplotter_1.50.0                     
## [106] stringi_1.1.2                          
## [107] highr_0.6                              
## [108] GenomicFeatures_1.24.5                 
## [109] lattice_0.20-34                        
## [110] trimcluster_0.1-2                      
## [111] Matrix_1.2-7.1                         
## [112] GlobalOptions_0.0.10                   
## [113] data.table_1.9.6                       
## [114] bitops_1.0-6                           
## [115] parmigene_1.0.2                        
## [116] dnet_1.0.9                             
## [117] rtracklayer_1.32.2                     
## [118] GenomicRanges_1.24.3                   
## [119] R6_2.2.0                               
## [120] latticeExtra_0.6-28                    
## [121] affy_1.50.0                            
## [122] hwriter_1.3.2                          
## [123] ShortRead_1.30.0                       
## [124] KernSmooth_2.23-15                     
## [125] IRanges_2.6.1                          
## [126] codetools_0.2-14                       
## [127] MASS_7.3-45                            
## [128] gtools_3.5.0                           
## [129] assertthat_0.1                         
## [130] chron_2.3-47                           
## [131] SummarizedExperiment_1.2.3             
## [132] rjson_0.2.15                           
## [133] withr_1.0.2                            
## [134] GenomicAlignments_1.8.4                
## [135] Rsamtools_1.24.0                       
## [136] multcomp_1.4-6                         
## [137] S4Vectors_0.10.3                       
## [138] diptest_0.75-7                         
## [139] parallel_3.3.1                         
## [140] class_7.3-14                           
## [141] rmarkdown_1.0                          
## [142] Biobase_2.32.0


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