This is the vignette of chimeraviz, an R package that automates the creation of chimeric RNA visualizations. This vignette will take you through the functionality of chimeraviz.
chimeraviz allows you to import data from nine different fusion-finders: deFuse, EricScript, InFusion, JAFFA, FusionCatcher, FusionMap, PRADA, SOAPFuse, and STAR-FUSION. Getting started is easy:
# Load chimeraviz
## Warning: replacing previous import 'utils::findMatches' by
## 'S4Vectors::findMatches' when loading 'AnnotationDbi'
# Get reference to results file from deFuse
defuse833ke <- system.file(
# Load the results file into a list of fusion objects
fusions <- import_defuse(defuse833ke, "hg19")
Import functions for the other supported fusion-finders are similarly named (for example importEriscript
or importInfusion
A list of Fusion objects, objects that represent each fusion transcript, is now available in the list fusions
## [1] 17
As you can see, this list has 17 fusion objects. It is straightforward to find a specific fusion event and print information about it, or about each of the partner genes.
# Find a specific fusion event
fusion <- get_fusion_by_id(fusions, 5267)
# Show information about this fusion event
## [1] "Fusion object"
## [1] "id: 5267"
## [1] "Fusion tool: defuse"
## [1] "Genome version: hg19"
## [1] "Gene names: RCC1-HENMT1"
## [1] "Chromosomes: chr1-chr1"
## [1] "Strands: +,-"
## [1] "In-frame?: FALSE"
# Show information about the upstream fusion partner
## [1] "PartnerGene object"
## [1] "Name: RCC1"
## [1] "ensemblId: ENSG00000180198"
## [1] "Chromosome: chr1"
## [1] "Strand: +"
## [1] "Breakpoint: 28834672"
# Show information about the downstream fusion partner
## [1] "PartnerGene object"
## [1] "Name: HENMT1"
## [1] "ensemblId: ENSG00000162639"
## [1] "Chromosome: chr1"
## [1] "Strand: -"
## [1] "Breakpoint: 109202584"
The overview plot is a nice way to get an overview over the nominated fusions in a sample. It will produce a circular plot like this one: