
1 Installation

Install the AnVIL package with

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
    install.packages("BiocManager", repos = "")

Once installed, load the package with


2 Workflow setup: DESeq2

2.1 Setting up the workspace and choosing a workflow

The first step will be to define the namespace (billing project) and name of the workspace to be used with the functions. In our case we will be using the Bioconductor AnVIL namespace and a DESeq2 workflow as the intended workspace.


Each workspace can have 0 or more workflows. The workflows have a name and namespace, just as workspaces. Discover the workflows available in a workspace


From the table returned by avworkflows(), record the namespace and name of the workflow of interest using avworkflow().


2.2 Retrieving the configuration

Each workflow defines inputs, outputs and certain code execution. These workflow ‘configurations’ that can be retrieved with avworkflow_configuration_get.

config <- avworkflow_configuration_get()

This function is using the workspace namespace, workspace name, workflow namespace, and workflow name we recorded above with avworkspace() and avworkflow().

3 Updating workflows

3.1 Changing the inputs / outputs

There is a lot of information contained in the configuration but the only variables of interest to the user would be the inputs and outputs. In our case the inputs and outputs are pre-defined so we don’t have to do anything to them. But for some workflows these inputs / outputs may be blank and therefore would need to be defined by the user. We will change one of our inputs values to show how this would be done.

There are two functions to help users easily see the content of the inputs and outputs, they are avworkflow_configuration_inputs and avworkflow_configuration_outputs. These functions display the information in a tibble structure which users are most likely familiar with.

inputs <- avworkflow_configuration_inputs(config)

outputs <- avworkflow_configuration_outputs(config)

Let’s change the salmon.transcriptome_index_name field; this is an arbitrary string identifier in our workflow.

inputs <-
    inputs |>
        attribute = ifelse(
            name == "salmon.transcriptome_index_name",

3.2 Update configuration

Since the inputs have been modified we need to put this information into the configuration of the workflow. We can do this with avworkflow_configuration_update(). By default this function will take the inputs and outputs of the original configuration, just in case there were no changes to one of them (like in our example our outputs weren’t changed).

new_config <- avworkflow_configuration_update(config, inputs)

4 Running and stopping workflows

4.1 Running a workflow

To finally run the new workflow we need to know the name of the data set to be used in the workflow. This can be discovered by looking at the table of interest and grabbing the name of the data set.

entityName <- avtable("participant_set") |>
    pull(participant_set_id) |>
avworkflow_run(new_config, entityName)

Again, actually running the new configuration requires the argument dry = FALSE.

## avworkflow_run(new_config, entityName, dry = FALSE)

We can see that the workflow is running by using the avworkflow_jobs function. The elements of the table are ordered chronologically, with the most recent submission (most likely the job we just started!) listed first.


4.2 Setting a workflow configuration for reuse in AnVIL

The steps we have taken so far allow us to run an existing workflow, but with updated parameters. Use avworkflow_configuration_set() to permanently update the workflow to new parameter values.


Actually, the previous command validates new_config only; to update the configuration in AnVIL (i.e., replacing the values in the workspace workflow graphical user interface), add the argument dry = FALSE.

## avworkflow_configuration_set(new_config, dry = FALSE)

4.3 Stopping workflows

Use avworkflow_stop() to stop a currently running workflow. This will change the status of the job, reported by avworkflow_jobs(), from ‘Submitted’ to ‘Aborted’.

avworkflow_stop() # dry = FALSE to stop


5 Managing workflow output

Workflows can generate a large number of intermediate files (including diagnostic logs), as well as final outputs for more interactive analysis. Use the submissionId from avworkflow_jobs() to discover files produced by a submission; the default behavior lists files produced by the most recent job.

submissionId <- "fb8e35b7-df5d-49e6-affa-9893aaeebf37"

Workflow files are stored in the workspace bucket. The files can be localized to the persistent disk of the current runtime using avworkflow_localize(); the default is again to localize files from the most recently submitted job; use type= to influence which files (‘control’ e.g., log files, ‘output’, or ‘all’) are localized.

    type = "output"
    ## dry = FALSE to localize

6 Session information
