padma 1.0.0
padma is a package that uses multiple factor analysis to calculate individualized pathway-centric scores of deviation with respect to the sampled population based on multi-omic assays (e.g., RNA-seq, copy number alterations, methylation, etc). In particular, padma characterizes individuals with aberrant multi-omic profiles for a given pathway of interest and quantifies this deviation with respect to the sampled population using a multi-omic consensus representation. Graphical and numerical outputs are provided to identify highly aberrant individuals for a particular pathway of interest, as well as the gene and omics drivers of aberrant multi-omic profiles.
The method implemented in this package is described in greater detail in the following pre-print:
Rau, A., Manansala, R., Flister, M. J., Rui, H., Jaffrézic, F., Laloë, D.*, and Auer, P. L.* (2019) Individualized multi-omic pathway deviation scores using multiple factor analysis bioRxiv, *These authors contributed equally to this work.
Below, we provide a quick-start guide using a subset of the TCGA LUAD multi-omic data (included with the padma package) to illustrate the functionalities and output of the method.
As with any R package, after installation the padma package is loaded as follows:
Multi-omic data must be formatted as either a MultiAssayExperiment
(preferred) or as a named list of data.frames
of matched
multi-omic data from a set of individuals, which is internally converted into
a MultiAssayExperiment
object. A small example dataset in list
format is provided in LUAD_subset
for multi-omic data (clinical, RNA-seq,
CNA, methylation, miRNA-seq) on 13 genes from the D4-GDI signaling pathway in
individuals with lung adenocarcinoma from TCGA. In practice, multi-omic
data do not need to be subsetted prior to running padma; this reduced
dataset is simply used as a minimal illustrative example.
A standard padma analysis for the D4-GDI signalling pathway takes as input
these pre-formatted MultiAssayExperiment
data (called below)
and the name of the desired pathway. Note that data should be
normalized, batch-corrected, and if appropriate, log-transformed prior
to using padma. Built-in pathway names and gene lists from the MSigDB
curated pathway set are provided in the msigdb
data provided with padma.
run_padma <-
padma(mae, pathway_name = "c2_cp_BIOCARTA_D4GDI_PATHWAY")
Individualized pathway deviation scores can then be accessed via the assay
accessor function, and per-gene contributions to these scores can be accessed
via the gene_deviation_scores()
accessor. In addition, a variety of plots can
be obtained, including
a factor map or partial factor map of individuals, and a plot of the
percentage contribution to each component by each considered omics.
factorMap(run_padma, partial_id = "TCGA-78-7536")
Additional numerical outputs included in the run_padma
S4 object of class
include the per-gene pathway
deviation scores and full results from the MFA analysis. See the
following section for a more detailed description of these outputs.
A portion of the following text is taken from Rau et al. (2019).
Multiple factor analysis (MFA) represents an extension of principal component analysis for the case where multiple quantitative data tables are to be simultaneously analyzed. In particular, the MFA approach weights each table individually to ensure that tables with more features or those on a different scale do not dominate the analysis; all features within a given table are given the same weight. These weights are chosen such that the first eigenvalue of a PCA performed on each weighted table is equal to 1, ensuring that all tables play an equal role in the global multi-table analysis. According to the desired focus of the analysis, data can be structured either with molecular assays (e.g., RNA-seq, methylation, miRNA-seq, copy number alterations) as tables (and genes as features within omics), or with genes as tables (and molecular assays as features within genes). The MFA weights balance the contributions of each omic or of each gene, respectively. In padma, we focus on the latter strategy in order to allow different omics to contribute to a varying degree depending on the chosen pathway.
Figure 1 from Rau et al. (2019), illustrating the padma approach.
More precisely, consider a pathway or gene set composed of \(p\) genes (Figure 1A), each of which is measured using up to \(k\) molecular assays (e.g., RNA-seq, methylation, miRNA-seq, copy number alterations), contained in the set of gene-specific matrices \(X_1,\ldots, X_p\) that have the same \(n\) matched individuals (rows) and \(j_1,\ldots, j_p\) potentially unmatched variables (columns) in each, where \(j_g \in \lbrace 1, \ldots, k\rbrace\) for each gene \(g = 1,\ldots, p\). Because only the observations and not the variables are matched across data tables, genes may be represented by potentially different subset of omics data (e.g., only expression data for one gene, and expression and methylation data for another).
In the first step, these data tables are generally standardized (i.e., centered and scaled). Next, an individual PCA is performed using singular value decomposition for each gene table \(X_g\), and its largest singular value \(\lambda_g^1\) is calculated (Figure 1B). Then, all features in each gene table \(X_g\) are weighted by \(1/\lambda_g^1\), and a global PCA is performed using a singular value decomposition on the concatenated set of weighted standardized tables, \(X^\ast = \left[ \frac{X_1}{\lambda_1^1}, \ldots, \frac{X_p}{\lambda_p^1}\right]\) (Figure 1C). This yields a matrix of components (i.e., latent variables) in the observation and variable space.
The MFA thus provides a consensus across-gene representation of the individuals for a given pathway, and the global PCA performed on the weighted gene tables decomposes the consensus variance into orthogonal variables (i.e., principal components) that are ordered by the proportion of variance explained by each. The coordinates of each individual on these components, also referred to as factor scores, can be used to produce factor maps to represent individuals in this consensus space such that smaller distances reflect greater similarities among individuals. In addition, partial factor scores, which represent the position of individuals in the consensus for a given gene, can also be represented in the consensus factor map; the average of partial factor scores across all dimensions and genes for a given individual corresponds to the factor score (Figure 1D).
In the consensus space obtained from the MFA, the origin represents the ``average" pathway behavior across genes, omics, and individuals; individuals that are projected to increasingly distant points in the factor map represent those with increasingly aberrant values, with respect to this average, for one or more of the omics measures for one or more genes in the pathway. To quantify these aberrant individuals, we propose an individualized pathway deviation score \(d_i\) based on the multidimensional Euclidean distance of the MFA component loadings for each individual to the origin: \[\begin{equation*} d_i^2 = \sum_{\ell = 1}^L f_{i,\ell}^2, \end{equation*}\] where \(f_{i,\ell}\) corresponds to the MFA factor score of individual \(i\) in component \(\ell\), and \(L\) corresponds to the rank of \(X^\ast\). Note that this corresponds to the weighted Euclidean distance of the scaled multi-omic data (for the genes in a given pathway) of each individual to the origin. These individualized pathway deviation scores are thus nonnegative, where smaller values represent individuals for whom the average multi-omic pathway variation is close to the average, while larger scores represent individuals with increasingly aberrant multi-omic pathway variation with respect to the average. An individual with a large pathway deviation score is thus characterized by one or more genes, with one or more omic measures, that explain a large proportion of the global correlated information across the full pathway.
In order to quantify the role played by each gene for each individual, we decompose the individualized pathway deviation scores into gene-level contributions. Recall that the average of partial factor scores across all MFA dimensions corresponds to each individual’s factor score. We define the gene-level deviation for a given individual as follows: \[\begin{equation*} d_{i,g}=\frac{\sum_{\ell = 1}^L f_{i,\ell}\left(f_{i,\ell,g}-f_{i,\ell}\right)} {\sum_{\ell = 1}^L f_{i,\ell}^2}, \end{equation*}\] where as before \(f_{i,\ell}\) corresponds to the MFA factor score of individual \(i\) in component \(\ell\), \(L\) corresponds to the rank of \(X^\ast\), and \(f_{i,\ell,g}\) corresponds to the MFA partial factor score of individual \(i\) in gene \(g\) in component \(\ell\). Note that by construction, the contributions of all pathway genes to the overall deviation score sum to 0. In particular, per-gene contributions can take on both negative and positive values according to the extent to which the gene influences the deviation of the overall pathway score from the origin (i.e., the global center of gravity across individuals); large positive values correspond to tables with a large influence on the overall deviation of an individual, while large negative values correspond to genes that tend to be most similar to the global average.
: D4-GDI signaling pathway in the TCGA-LUAD multi-omic dataIn this vignette, we focus on the example of multi-omic (RNA-seq, methylation, copy number alterations, and miRNA-seq) data for the D4-GDI signaling pathway from individuals with lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database. The multi-omic TCGA data were downloaded and processed as previously described, including batch correction for the plate effect. The total number of individuals considered here is \(n=144\). See Rau et al. (2019) for additional details about data processing and mapping of miRNAs to genes.
The D4-GDP dissociation inhibitor (GDI) signaling pathway is made up of 13 genes; it was chosen for follow-up here as it was identified as having individualized pathway deviation scores that are significantly positively correlated with smaller progression-free intervals. RNA-seq, methylation, and CNA measures are available for all 13 genes, with the exception of CYCS and PARP1, for which no methylation probes were measured the promoter region. In addition, miRNA-seq data were included for one predicted target pair: hsa-mir-421 \(\rightarrow\) CASP3.
The available multi-omic data for the D4-GDI signaling pathway in TCGA LUAD
patients is included within the padma package as the LUAD_subset
which is a named list of data.frames
each containing the relevant data
(clinical parameters, RNA-seq, methylation, miRNA-seq, CNA) for the \(p=13\)
genes of the D4-GDI pathway in the \(n=144\) individuals.
#> [1] "clinical" "rnaseq" "methyl" "mirna" "cna"
lapply(LUAD_subset, class)
#> $clinical
#> [1] "data.frame"
#> $rnaseq
#> [1] "data.frame"
#> $methyl
#> [1] "data.frame"
#> $mirna
#> [1] "data.frame"
#> $cna
#> [1] "data.frame"
lapply(LUAD_subset, dim)
#> $clinical
#> [1] 144 55
#> $rnaseq
#> [1] 13 144
#> $methyl
#> [1] 13 144
#> $mirna
#> [1] 1 144
#> $cna
#> [1] 13 144
There are some important data formatting issues that are worth mentioning here:
The clinical data (LUAD_subset$clinical
) have individuals as
rows and clinical variables as columns; all other datasets contain assay data
with biological entities (e.g., genes, miRNAs) as rows and
individuals as columns, with appropriate row and column names. Sample
(column) names for assay data correspond to the patient barcodes that are
provided in the bcr_patient_barcode
column of LUAD_subset$clinical
For LUAD_subset$mirna
, the first two
columns represent the miRNA ID (miRNA_lc
) and corresponding targeted gene
symbol (gene
A gene_map
data.frame can be optionally included to map biological entities
(e.g. miRNAs) to gene symbols as needed. By default, a set of 10,754
predicted miRNA gene targets with “Functional MTI” support type from
miRTarBase (version 7.0) are used for the gene_map
All omics data have already been appropriately pre-processed before subsetting to this pathway (e.g., RNA-seq and miRNA-seq data have been normalized and log-transformed, all datasets were batch-corrected for the plate effect).
Although padma does require that all datasets have the same number of individuals, and that all datasets are sorted so that individuals are in the same order, each dataset does not need to represent every considered gene. Note that in these data, a single gene (CASP3) is predicted to be targeted by a miRNA (hsa-mir-421).
Finally, these toy data have been subsetted to include only values relevant to the D4-GDI signaling pathway solely in the interest of space. In practice, users do not need to subset their data prior to input in padma or match miRNAs to genes, as both of these steps are performed automatically for a ser-provided pathway name or set of genes.
: the MSigDB canonical pathway gene setsIn our work, we considered the pathways included in the MSigDB canonical
pathways curated gene set catalog, which includes genes whose products are
involved in metabolic and signaling pathways reported in curated public
databases. We specifically used the 1322 “C2 curated gene sets” catalog
from 601MSigDB v5.2 available at
described in the
Bioconductor package. For convenience, the gene sets corresponding to each
pathway have been included in the msigdb
data frame:
#> geneset
#> symbol
In practice, to use padma a user can either directly provide a vector of
gene symbols, or the geneset name as defined in this data frame
(e.g., c2_cp_BIOCARTA_41BB_PATHWAY
: predicted gene targets of miRNAspadma integrates multi-omic data by mapping omics measures to genes in a
given pathway. Although this assignment of values to genes is relatively
straightforward for RNA-seq, CNA, and methylation data, a definitive mapping
of miRNA-to-gene relationships does not exist, as miRNAs can each potentially
target multiple genes. Many methods and databases based on text-mining or
bioinformatics-driven approaches exist to predict miRNA-target pairs. Here,
we make use of the curated miR-target interaction (MTI) predictions in
miRTarBase (version 7.0),
using only exact matches for miRNA IDs and target gene symbols and predictions
with the “Functional MTI” support type. As a reference, we have included
these predictions in the built-in mirtarbase
data frame:
#> miRNA Target Gene
#> 1 hsa-miR-20a-5p HIF1A
#> 2 hsa-miR-20a-5p HIF1A
#> 3 hsa-miR-146a-5p CXCR4
#> 4 hsa-miR-146a-5p CXCR4
#> 5 hsa-miR-122-5p CYP7A1
#> 6 hsa-miR-222-3p STAT5A
In practice, unless an alternative data frame is provided for the
argument of padma, the mirtarbase
data frame is used to
match miRNA IDs to gene symbols.
To run padma for the D4-GDI pathway, we start by formatting the LUAD_subset
data as a MultiAssayExperiment
LUAD_subset <- padma::LUAD_subset
omics_data <-
list(rnaseq = LUAD_subset$rnaseq,
methyl = LUAD_subset$methyl,
mirna = LUAD_subset$mirna,
cna = LUAD_subset$cna)
pheno_data <-
row.names = LUAD_subset$clinical$bcr_patient_barcode)
mae <-
experiments = omics_data,
colData = pheno_data))
Next, the following command is used:
D4GDI <- msigdb[grep("D4GDI", msigdb$geneset), "geneset"]
run_padma <-
padma(mae, pathway_name = D4GDI, verbose = FALSE)
Alternatively, padma could be run directly on the list of data.frames
contained in LUAD_subset
(ensuring that the clinical data are included
as colData
clinical_data <- data.frame(LUAD_subset$clinical)
rownames(clinical_data) <- clinical_data$bcr_patient_barcode
run_padma_list <-
padma(LUAD_subset[-which(names(LUAD_subset) == "clinical")],
colata = clinical_data,
pathway_name = D4GDI,
verbose = FALSE)
Note that we have used the misgdb
built-in database to find the full name of
the D4-GDI pathway, "c2_cp_BIOCARTA_D4GDI_PATHWAY"
. Alternatively, a vector
of gene symbols for the pathway of interest could instead
be provided to the pathway_name
D4GDI_genes <- unlist(strsplit(
msigdb[grep("D4GDI", msigdb$geneset), "symbol"], ", "))
#> [1] "CASP10" "JUN" "CASP9" "CASP8" "APAF1" "ARHGAP5" "CASP1"
#> [8] "CASP3" "PRF1" "CYCS" "GZMB" "ARHGDIB" "PARP1"
run_padma_again <-
padma(mae, pathway_name = D4GDI_genes, verbose = FALSE)
As noted above, it is required to provide either a recognized pathway name
(see msigdb$geneset
) or a vector
of gene symbols. In most cases, users would provide the full multi-omics data
in the omics_data
of padma
, rather than a pre-subsetted dataset as is the case for the
built-in LUAD_subset
In the following, we detail the various numerical and graphical outputs that
an be accessed after running padma
; note that the results are an S4 object
of class "padmaResults"
, an extension of the RangedSummarizedExperiment
The numerical outputs of padma
include the following (which can all be
accessed using the matching accessor functions):
There are two primary numerical outputs from padma
providing the individualized pathway
deviation scores for each individual. The group
column indicates whether an
individual was included as part of the reference population ("Base"
) or as a
supplementary individual projected onto the reference ("Supp"
), as indicated
by the user in the base_ids
and supp_ids
arguments of padma
, a matrix of dimension \(n\)
(nuumber of individuals) x \(p\) (number of genes in the pathway) containing the
individualized per-gene deviation scoresThere are also several outputs related to the MFA itself, and obtained via the FactorMineR R package implementation of the MFA:
accessed via the MFA_results(...)
, a named list containing
detailed MFA output. When padma
is run with
full_results = TRUE
, these include eigenvalues (eig
), the percent
of each individual, gene, and omic to the MFA components (ind_contrib_MFA
, omics_contrib_MFA
), the formatted gene tables used
as input for the MFA (gene_tables
the pairwise Lg coefficients between genes
), and the full FactoMineR MFA output
), which is an object of class "MFA"
See the FactoMineR
reference manual
for a full description of this full MFA output.
When padma
is run with
full_results = FALSE
, these include eigenvalues (eig
), and a
summary of the cumulative contributions
of each individual, gene, and omic to the first ten and full set of MFA
components (ind_contrib_MFA_summary
, omics_contrib_MFA_summary
). In both cases,
is a matrix of dimension \(c\) (number of MFA components) x 3 providing the
respective eigenvalues, percentage of variance explained, and cumulative
percentage of variance explained by each MFA component.Finally, there are additional outputs related to the pathway itself that can be accessed via appropriate accessor functions:
accessed via pathway_name(...)
, the
user-provided name of pathway analyzed by padma
. If a
vector of gene symbols was provided rather than a built-in name, "custom"
is returned.ngenes
accessed via ngenes(...)
, number of genes with data available
in the pathwayimputed_genes
accessed via imputed_genes(...)
, names of entities for
which values were automatically imputed by padma
accessed via removed_genes(...)
, names of entities
which were automatically removed by
due to small variance (< 10e-5) or all missing values across samples.padma includes three primary plotting functions, all of which can
be produced using ggplot2 (default) or base graphics (using argument
ggplot = FALSE
). Note that when ggplot2 is used, ggrepel is
additionally used to better position sample labels.
plot the MFA components for each individual for a selected pair
of components. This would typically be done for the first few components, and
serves as a visualization of the structuring of indviduals for the pathway;
for example, below the factor map suggests that individual TCGA-78-7536 is
likely to have a larger overall pathway deviation score given that it is
positioned quite far from the origin (for these two axes).factorMap(run_padma, dim_x = 1, dim_y = 2)
The base version of this plot may be produced as follows.
factorMap(run_padma, dim_x = 1, dim_y = 2, ggplot = FALSE)
#> Loading required namespace: car
(partial mode):
plot the MFA partial components for one specific
individual for a pair of components. This function would be used to zero in
on one or several indivduals (for example, TCGA-78-7536) to visualize which
genes appear to be pulling the overall score away from the origin. Here we
note the seeming large influence of CASP1 and CASP3. Note that the
individual’s overall pathway score, which is represented as the large black
point, is the same as that from the previous plot.factorMap(run_padma,
partial_id = "TCGA-78-7536",
dim_x = 1, dim_y = 2)
As before, ggplot2 plotting can be optionally turned off, if desired.
partial_id = "TCGA-78-7536",
dim_x = 1, dim_y = 2, ggplot = FALSE)
visualize the contribution of each omics to the variation of
a subset of MFA components, and summarize this contribution as a weighted
overall average. In this plot, transparency of the bars reflects the percentage
variance explained for each component. Note that if ggplot2 is used,
the cowplot package is used to combine graphics.omicsContrib(run_padma, max_dim = 10)
#> Loading required namespace: cowplot
Once again, ggplot2 plotting can be turned off if desired.
omicsContrib(run_padma, max_dim = 10, ggplot = FALSE)
Unless otherwise specified, padma will make use of all individuals to calculate pathway deviation scores. However, in some cases users may wish to perform the MFA on a set of reference individuals and subsequently project a set a supplementary individuals onto the reference consensus (e.g., in a case where healthy individuals are to be used as a reference, and pathway deviation scores of diseased individuals are to be calculated relative to them).
In such a case, the base_ids
and supp_ids
arguments of padma
can be used
to provide the sampel names for individuals in each group, respectively. For
instance, if the first ten individuals are in the reference group, and the
user wishes to project individuals 15 to 20 as supplementary, the following
code could be used:
run_padma_supp <-
padma(mae, pathway_name = D4GDI, verbose = FALSE,
base_ids = sampleMap(mae)$primary[1:10],
supp_ids = sampleMap(mae)$primary[15:20])
Note that there must not be any overlap in the indices provided for base_ids
and supp_ids
When missing values are included in the omics_data
argument, by default
padma uses mean imputation to replace these values prior to calculating
individualized pathway scores. Alternatively, these values can be imputed via
a preliminary MFA as implemented in the
package, which can in some cases be slightly more time consuming. To do,
the impute
argument must be activated:
run_padma_impute <-
padma(mae, pathway_name = D4GDI,
impute = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
As noted above, if miRNA-seq data (or other data in which biological entities
are not genes) are included in the omics_data
a mapping to genes must be provided to padma in the gene_map
By default, the mapping in mirtarbase
taken from
miRTarBase is used
within padma. If another mapping is desired by the user, this should be
provided as a 2-column data frame (entity name and corresponding gene) in the
Because padma stores the full set of MFA numerical results above (including
factor components and partial factor components for all individuals), the
full output can become quite large if run for very large pathways and/or
looped over a large number of pathways. By default, padma returns this
full set of results, but users can request a space-saving concise output via
the full_results
run_padma_concise <-
padma(mae, pathway_name = D4GDI, full_results = FALSE)
1. Can padma be used with non-continuous data, like binary per-gene somatic mutation calls?
At the current time, padma is only formatted to correctly handle continuous data. However, the MFA approach (as implemented in the FactoMineR package, which is called by padma) is technically able to handle continuous, categorical, and binary data, so this is merely a question of extending the existing padma code to handle more general situations.
2. Can padma integrate omics data that cannot be summarized to the gene-level? (e.g., SNP genotyping or metabolic data)
As it is currently written, padma is intended to provide inference at the pathway-level, where members of each pathway correspond to genes. In theory the MFA could be performed using each omic as a table (rather than each gene), in which case no gene-level summarization would be required. padma is not currently equipped to handle this more general setting.
The following items are on my to-do list for improvements: