
1 Generation of Quality Controls

SeSAMe provides a set of quality control steps.

The SeSAMe QC function returns an sesameQC object which can be directly printed onto the screen.

## =======================
## =      Intensities    =
## =======================
## No. probes                      485577 
## mean (M/U) (in-band InfI):      5529.506 
## mean (M+U) (in-band InfI):      11059.01 
## -- Infinium II --
## No. probes:                    350076 (72.095%)
## Mean Intensity:                 5160.813 
## -- Infinium I (Red) -- 
## No. probes:                     89203 (18.371%)
## No. Probes Consistent Channel:  88799 
## No. Porbes Swapped Channel:     162 
## No. Probes Low Intensity:       242 
## Mean Intensity (in-band):       6527.3 
## Mean Intensity (out-of-band):   928.2117 
## -- Infinium I (Grn) -- 
## No. probes:                     46298 (9.535%)
## No. Probes Consistent Channel:  46000 
## No. Probes Swapped Channel:     254 
## No. Probes Low Intensity:       44 
## Mean Intensity (in-band):       6394.865 
## Mean Intensity (out-of-band):   640.0676 
## =======================
## =      Beta Values    =
## =======================
## No. probes:                     485577 
## No. probes with NA:             79778 (16.430%)
## Mean Betas:                     0.5098457 
## Median Betas:                   0.6276011 
## -- cg probes --
## No. Probes:                     482421 
## No. Probes with NA:             78429 (16.257%)
## Mean Betas:                     0.511757 
## Median Betas:                   0.632708 
## % Unmethylated (Beta < 0.3):    40.096%
## % Methylated (Beta > 0.7):      46.652%
## -- ch probes --
## No. Probes:                     3091 
## No. Probes with NA:             1346 (43.546%)
## Mean Betas:                     0.06744853 
## Median Betas:                   0.06199575 
## % Unmethylated (Beta < 0.3):    100.000%
## % Methylated (Beta > 0.7):      0.000%
## -- rs probes --
## No. Probes:                     65 
## No. Probes with NA:             3 (4.615%)
## Mean Betas:                     0.5071412 
## Median Betas:                   0.53247 
## % Unmethylated (Beta < 0.3):    32.258%
## % Methylated (Beta > 0.7):      30.645%
## =======================
## =      Inferences     =
## =======================
## Sex:                            MALE 
## Ethnicity:                      WHITE 
## Age:                            63.23934 
## Bisulfite Conversion (GCT):     1.10858

The sesameQC object can be coerced into data.frame and linked using the following code

qc10 <-, lapply(ssets, function(x)
qc10$sample_name <- names(ssets)

##          mean_beta_cg frac_meth_cg frac_unmeth_cg  sex      age
## WB_105      0.5117570     46.65167       40.09634 MALE 63.23934
## WB_218      0.5096306     47.54133       41.45205 MALE 43.28624
## WB_261      0.5168121     48.05370       40.86836 MALE 27.10038
## PBMC_105    0.5193698     46.53442       38.80828 MALE 56.42502
## PBMC_218    0.5215361     48.19021       39.96411 MALE 39.07262
## PBMC_261    0.5273707     49.45255       39.89300 MALE 24.54418
## Gran_105    0.4995210     46.78360       42.87791 MALE 63.17076
## Gran_218    0.4995041     46.92646       43.08087 MALE 43.51071
## Gran_261    0.5079122     47.80999       42.74814 MALE 27.66234
## CD4+_105    0.5218067     47.66358       39.19202 MALE 48.97698

2 Background

The background level is given by mean_oob_grn and mean_oob_red

    aes(x = mean_oob_grn, y= mean_oob_red, label = sample_name)) +
    geom_point() + geom_text(hjust = -0.1, vjust = 0.1) +
    geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, linetype = 'dotted') +
    xlab('Green Background') + ylab('Red Background') +
    xlim(c(500,1200)) + ylim(c(500,1200))

3 Mean Intensity

The mean {M,U} intensity can be reached by mean_intensity. Similarly, the mean M+U intensity can be reached by mean_intensity_total. Low intensities are symptomatic of low input or poor hybridization.

p1 <- ggplot(qc10) +
    geom_bar(aes(sample_name, mean_intensity), stat='identity') +
    xlab('Sample Name') + ylab('Mean Intensity') +
    ylim(0,18000) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90, vjust=0.5, hjust=1))
p2 <- ggplot(qc10) +
    geom_bar(aes(sample_name, mean_intensity_total), stat='identity') +
    xlab('Sample Name') + ylab('Mean M+U Intensity') +
    ylim(0,18000) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90, vjust=0.5, hjust=1))
WGG(p1) + WGG(p2, RightOf())

4 Fraction of color channel switch

The fraction of color channel switch can be found in InfI_switch_G2R and InfI_switch_R2G. These numbers are symptomatic of how Infinium I probes are affected by SNP-induced color channel switching.

ggplot(qc10) +
    geom_point(aes(InfI_switch_G2R, InfI_switch_R2G))

5 Fraction of NA

The fraction of NAs are signs of masking due to variety of reasons including failed detection, high background, putative low quality probes etc. This number can be reached in frac_na_cg and num_na_cg (the cg stands for CpG probes, so we also have num_na_ch and num_na_rs)

p1 <- ggplot(qc10) +
    geom_bar(aes(sample_name, num_na_cg), stat='identity') +
    xlab('Sample Name') + ylab('Number of NAs') +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90, vjust=0.5, hjust=1))
p2 <- ggplot(qc10) +
    geom_bar(aes(sample_name, frac_na_cg), stat='identity') +
    xlab('Sample Name') + ylab('Fraction of NAs (%)') +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90, vjust=0.5, hjust=1))
WGG(p1) + WGG(p2, RightOf())