Inferring Somatic Signatures from Single Nucleotide Variant Calls

Table of Contents

Julian Gehring (EMBL Heidelberg)

1 Motivation: The Concept Behind Mutational Signatures

Recent publications introduced the concept of identifying mutational signatures from cancer sequencing studies and linked them to potential mutation generation processes [6] [14] [11]. Conceptually, this relates somatically occurring single nucleotide variants (SNVs) to the surrounding sequence which will be referred to as mutational or somatic motifs in the following. Based on the frequency of the motifs occurring in multiple samples, these can be decomposed mathematically into so called mutational signatures. In case of the investigation of tumors, the term somatic signatures will be used here to distinguish them from germline mutations and their generating processes.

The SomaticSignatures package provides an efficient and user-friendly implementation for the extraction of somatic motifs based on a list of somatically mutated genomic sites and the estimation of somatic signatures with a number of statistical approaches.

2 Methodology: From Mutations to Somatic Signatures

The basic idea of somatic signatures is composed of two parts:

Firstly, each somatic mutation is described in relation of the sequence context in which it occurs. As an example, consider a SNV, resulting in the alteration from A in the normal to G in the tumor sample, that is embedded in the sequence context TAC. Thus, the somatic motif can be written as TAC>TGC or T.C A>G. The frequency of these motifs across multiple samples is then represented as a matrix \(M_{ij}\), where \(i\) counts over the motifs and \(j\) over the samples.

In a second step, the matrix \(M\) is numerically decomposed into two matrices \(W\) and \(H\)

$$M_{ij} = \sum_{k=1}^{R} W_{ik} H_{jk}$$

for a fixed number \(R\) of signatures. While \(W\) describes the composition of each signature in term of somatic motifs, \(H\) shows the contribution of the signature to the alterations present in each sample.

3 Workflow and Implementation: Analysis with the SomaticSignatures Package

The SomaticSignatures package offers a framework for inferring signatures of SNVs in a user-friendly and efficient manner for large-scale data sets. A tight integration with standard data representations of the Bioconductor project [1] was a major design goal. Further, it extends the selection of multivariate statistical methods for the matrix decomposition and allows a simple visualization of the results.

For a typical workflow, a set of variant calls and the reference sequence are needed. Ideally, the SNVs are represented as a VRanges object with the genomic location as well as reference and alternative allele defined. The reference sequence can be, for example, a FaFile object, representing an indexed FASTA file, a BSgenome object, or a GmapGenome object. Alternatively, we provide functions to extract the relevant information from other sources of inputs. At the moment, this covers the MuTect [12] variant caller and the h5vc package [15] [9].

Generally, the individual steps of the analysis can be summarized as:

  1. The somatic motifs for each variant are retrieved from the reference sequence with the mutationContext function and converted to a matrix representation with the mutationContextMatrix function.
  2. Somatic signatures are estimated with a method of choice (currently nmfSignatures, pcaSignatures, or kmeansSignatures).
  3. The somatic signatures and their representation in the samples are assessed with a set of accessor and plotting functions.

To decompose \(M\), the SomaticSignatures package implements three methods:

Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF)
The NMF decomposes \(M\) with the constraint of positive components in \(W\) and \(H\) [4]. The method was used [6] for the identification of mutational signatures, and can be computationally expensive for large data sets.
Principal component analysis (PCA)
The PCA employs the eigenvalue decomposition and is therefore suitable for large data sets [2]. While this is related to the NMF, no constraint on the sign of the elements of \(W\) and \(H\) exists.
K-means clustering
In contrast to the NMF and PCA, the k-means clustering assigns each sample to a single somatic signature, such that \(H\) can only contain the value 0 and 1. This approach is suited for large data sets.

4 Use case: Estimating Somatic Signatures from TCGA WES Studies

In the following, the concept of somatic signatures and the steps for inferring these from an actual biological data set are shown. For the example, somatic variant calls from whole exome sequencing (WES) studies from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) project will be used, which are part of the SomaticCancerAlterations package.


4.1 Data: Preproccessing of the TCGA WES Studies

The SomaticCancerAlterations package provides the somatic SNV calls for eight WES studies, each investigating a different cancer type. The metadata summarizes the biological and experimental settings of each study.

sca_metadata = scaMetadata()

             Cancer_Type        Center NCBI_Build Sequence_Source Sequencing_Phase      Sequencer Number_Samples
   gbm_tcga          GBM         37             WXS          Phase_I Illumina GAIIx            291
   hnsc_tcga        HNSC         37         Capture          Phase_I Illumina GAIIx            319
   kirc_tcga        KIRC         37         Capture          Phase_I Illumina GAIIx            297
   luad_tcga        LUAD         37             WXS          Phase_I Illumina GAIIx            538
   lusc_tcga        LUSC         37             WXS          Phase_I Illumina GAIIx            178
   ov_tcga            OV         37             WXS          Phase_I Illumina GAIIx            142
   skcm_tcga        SKCM         37         Capture          Phase_I Illumina GAIIx            266
   thca_tcga        THCA         37             WXS          Phase_I Illumina GAIIx            406
             Number_Patients                           Cancer_Name
   gbm_tcga              291               Glioblastoma multiforme
   hnsc_tcga             319 Head and Neck squamous cell carcinoma
   kirc_tcga             293                    Kidney Chromophobe
   luad_tcga             519                   Lung adenocarcinoma
   lusc_tcga             178          Lung squamous cell carcinoma
   ov_tcga               142     Ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma
   skcm_tcga             264               Skin Cutaneous Melanoma
   thca_tcga             403                    Thyroid carcinoma

In this example, all mutational calls of a study will be pooled together, in order to find signatures related to a specific cancer type. The data of all studies is loaded and merged into a single GRanges object, with each entry describing a somatic variant call. Further on, only SNVs located on the human autosomes will be considered. For later analyzes, each variant is also associated with the study it originated from.

sca_all = scaLoadDatasets()

sca_merge = unlist(sca_all)
short_names = str_split_fixed(rownames(sca_metadata), "_", 2)[, 1]
names(sca_merge) = sca_merge$study = factor(rep(short_names, times = elementLengths(sca_all)))

sca_merge = sca_merge[sca_merge$Variant_Type %in% "SNP"]
sca_merge = keepSeqlevels(sca_merge, hsAutosomes())

To get a first impression of the data, we count the number of somatic variants per study and their predicted effects.

sort(table(sca_merge$study), decreasing = TRUE)
     luad   skcm   hnsc   lusc   kirc    gbm   thca     ov 
   208724 200589  67125  61485  24158  19938   6716   5872
sort(table(sca_merge$Variant_Classification), decreasing = TRUE)
        Missense_Mutation                 Silent      Nonsense_Mutation            Splice_Site                    RNA 
                   377800                 163535                  27299                  13934                  11285 
         Nonstop_Mutation Translation_Start_Site                 Intron                    IGR                  3'UTR 
                      441                    270                     33                      5                      3 
                  5'Flank                  5'UTR        Frame_Shift_Del        Frame_Shift_Ins           In_Frame_Del 
                        1                      1                      0                      0                      0 

The starting point of the analysis is a VRanges object which describes the somatic variants in terms of their genomic locations as well as reference and alternative alleles. For more details about this class and how to construct it, please see the documentation of the VariantAnnotation package [5]. Since the genomic positions are given in the NCBI notation and the references used later are in UCSC notation, the functions ucsc and ncbi are used to easily switch between the two notations.

sca_vr = VRanges(seqnames(sca_merge), ranges(sca_merge), ref = sca_merge$Reference_Allele, alt = sca_merge$Tumor_Seq_Allele2,
    seqinfo = seqinfo(sca_merge))
sca_vr = ucsc(sca_vr)

head(sca_vr, 3)
   VRanges with 3 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
         seqnames           ranges strand         ref              alt     totalDepth       refDepth       altDepth
     gbm     chr1 [887446, 887446]      +           G                A                                 
     gbm     chr1 [909247, 909247]      +           C                T                                 
     gbm     chr1 [978952, 978952]      +           C                T                                 
           sampleNames softFilterMatrix
           chr1      chr2      chr3      chr4      chr5      chr6 ...     chr18     chr19     chr20     chr21     chr22
      249250621 243199373 198022430 191154276 180915260 171115067 ...  78077248  59128983  63025520  48129895  51304566
     hardFilters: NULL

4.2 Motifs: Extracting the Sequence Context of Somatic Variants

In a first step, the sequence motif for each variant is extracted based on the reference sequence. Here, the BSgenomes object for the human hg19 reference is used. However, all objects with a defined getSeq method can serve as the reference, e.g. an indexed FASTA file. Additionally, we transform all motifs to have a pyrimidine base (C or T) as a reference base [14].

sca_motifs = mutationContext(sca_vr, BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19, unify = TRUE)
sca_motifs$study = sca_merge$study

head(sca_motifs, 3)
   VRanges with 3 ranges and 3 metadata columns:
         seqnames           ranges strand         ref              alt     totalDepth       refDepth       altDepth
     gbm     chr1 [887446, 887446]      +           G                A                                 
     gbm     chr1 [909247, 909247]      +           C                T                                 
     gbm     chr1 [978952, 978952]      +           C                T                                 
           sampleNames softFilterMatrix |     alteration        context    study
     gbm                            |             CT            G.G      gbm
     gbm                            |             CT            A.G      gbm
     gbm                            |             CT            G.G      gbm
           chr1      chr2      chr3      chr4      chr5      chr6 ...     chr18     chr19     chr20     chr21     chr22
      249250621 243199373 198022430 191154276 180915260 171115067 ...  78077248  59128983  63025520  48129895  51304566
     hardFilters: NULL

To continue with the estimation of the somatic signatures, the matrix \(M\) of the form {motifs × studies} is constructed. The normalize argument specifies that frequencies rather than the actual counts are returned.

sca_occurrence = mutationContextMatrix(sca_motifs, group = "study", normalize = TRUE)

head(round(sca_occurrence, 4))
             gbm   hnsc   kirc   luad   lusc     ov   skcm   thca
   CA A.A 0.0083 0.0098 0.0126 0.0200 0.0165 0.0126 0.0014 0.0077
   CA A.C 0.0093 0.0082 0.0121 0.0217 0.0156 0.0192 0.0009 0.0068
   CA A.G 0.0026 0.0061 0.0046 0.0144 0.0121 0.0060 0.0004 0.0048
   CA A.T 0.0057 0.0051 0.0070 0.0134 0.0100 0.0092 0.0007 0.0067
   CA C.A 0.0075 0.0143 0.0215 0.0414 0.0390 0.0128 0.0060 0.0112
   CA C.C 0.0075 0.0111 0.0138 0.0415 0.0275 0.0143 0.0018 0.0063

The observed occurrence of the motifs, also termed somatic spectrum, can be visualized across studies, which gives a first impression of the data. The distribution of the motifs clearly varies between the studies.

Observed frequency of somatic motifs, also termed somatic spectrum, across studies.

Observed frequency of somatic motifs, also termed somatic spectrum, across studies.

4.3 Decomposition: Inferring Somatic Signatures

The somatic signatures can be estimated with each of the statistical methods implemented in the package. Here, we will use the NMF and PCA, and compare the results. Prior to the estimation, the number \(R\) of signatures to obtain has to be fixed; in this example, the data will be decomposed into 5 signatures.

n_sigs = 5

sigs_nmf = nmfSignatures(sca_occurrence, r = n_sigs)

sigs_pca = pcaSignatures(sca_occurrence, r = n_sigs)

The results contains the decomposed matrices stored in a list and can be accessed using standard R accessor functions.

   [1] "w"   "h"   "v"   "raw"
sapply(sigs_nmf, dim)
   [1] 96  5
   [1] 8 5
   [1] 96  8
   [1] 96  8  5
head(sigs_nmf$w, 3)
                 S1        S2        S3    S4      S5
   CA A.A 5.107e-06 2.375e-16 2.047e-13 1.279 0.52570
   CA A.C 6.276e-02 2.220e-16 2.220e-16 1.320 0.47930
   CA A.G 1.212e-14 1.962e-07 2.792e-03 1.012 0.06564
head(sigs_nmf$h, 3)
              S1       S2       S3       S4       S5
   gbm  0.037329 0.002054 0.002269 0.002543 0.007775
   hnsc 0.008512 0.008109 0.010338 0.006018 0.004097
   kirc 0.008999 0.003468 0.001181 0.004720 0.015132

4.4 Visualization: Exploration of Signatures and Samples

To explore the results for the TCGA data set, we will use the plotting functions. All figures are generated with the ggplot2 package, and thus, their properties and appearances can also be modified at a later stage.

Focusing on the results of the NMF first, the five somatic signatures (named S1 to S5) can be visualized either as a heatmap or as a barchart.

plotSignatureMap(sigs_nmf) + ggtitle("Somatic Signatures: NMF - Heatmap")
Composition of somatic signatures estimated with the NMF, represented as a heatmap.

Composition of somatic signatures estimated with the NMF, represented as a heatmap.

plotSignatures(sigs_nmf) + ggtitle("Somatic Signatures: NMF - Barchart")
Composition of somatic signatures estimated with the NMF, represented as a barchart.

Composition of somatic signatures estimated with the NMF, represented as a barchart.

Each signature represents different properties of the somatic spectrum observed in the data. While signature S1 is mainly characterized by selective C>T alterations, others as S4 and S5 show a broad distribution across the motifs.

In addition, the contribution of the signatures in each study can be represented with the same sets of plots. Signature S1 and S3 are strongly represented in the GBM and SKCM study, respectively. Other signatures show a weaker association with a single cancer type.

Occurrence of signatures estimated with the NMF, represented as a heatmap.

Occurrence of signatures estimated with the NMF, represented as a heatmap.

Occurrence of signatures estimated with the NMF, represented as a barchart.

Occurrence of signatures estimated with the NMF, represented as a barchart.

In the same way as before, the results of the PCA can be visualized. In contrast to the NMF, the signatures also contain negative values, indicating the depletion of a somatic motif.

plotSignatureMap(sigs_pca) + ggtitle("Somatic Signatures: PCA")