2 Explanation of variables

Experiment Count - how many IDs belongs to this barcode
Read Count - how many reads belongs to this barcode
Bad Base Quality - how many reads had base quality worse than specified (default is 0)
Bad Average Quality - how many reads had average base quality worse than specified (default is 0)
Bad Alphabet - how many reads had alphabet with bases other than A, C, G, T
Filtered Read Count - how many reads were left after filtering
Unique Reads - how many reads (forward and reverse together) for this barcode is unique
Assigned Reads/Unassigned Reads - how many reads have been assigned/not assigned to any of the experiments

3 Total reads

3.1 Read Quality

3.2 Read assignment

3.3 Indels

4 Reads by barcode

5 Summary Table

Barcodes Experiment Count Read Count Bad base quality Bad average quality Bad alphabet Good Reads Unique Reads Unassigned Reads Assigned Reads
barcode_1 2 20 0 3 3 14 8 1 7
barcode_2 2 16 0 0 0 16 7 0 7

Table 1. Reads distributed for each barcode