## Attaching package: 'gplots'
## The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
## lowess
This vignette assumes you are familiar with the standard usage of RMassBank, which is documented in
For instances where recalibration is not wanted, e.g. there is
not enough data, or the user wants to use non-recalibrated
data, recalibration can be deactivated. To do this, the recalibrator
entry in the settings must be set to recalibrate.identity
. This can be
done in the settings file directly (preferred):
MS1: recalibrate.identity
MS2: recalibrate.identity
Or, alternatively, the settings can be adapted directly via R code.
rmbo <- getOption("RMassBank")
rmbo$recalibrator <- list(
"MS1" = "recalibrate.identity",
"MS2" = "recalibrate.identity"
options("RMassBank" = rmbo)
To show the results of using a non-recalibrated workflow, we load a workspace with pre-processed data:
w <- loadMsmsWorkspace(system.file("results/pH_narcotics_RF.RData",
## Warning in .updateObject.RmbWorkspace.1to2(w, ..., verbose): You are
## loading an archive from an old RMassBank version. The aggregate tables are
## not loaded from the original object, but recomputed.
## Warning in .updateObject.RmbWorkspace.1to2(w, ..., verbose): If you hand-
## edited any aggregate table, the information might not be retained in the
## new object.
## Warning in .updateObject.RmbWorkspace.1to2(w, ..., verbose): You are
## loading an archive from an old RMassBank version. The aggregate tables are
## not loaded from the original object, but recomputed.
## Warning in .updateObject.RmbWorkspace.1to2(w, ..., verbose): If you hand-
## edited any aggregate table, the information might not be retained in the
## new object.
## Warning in .updateObject.RmbWorkspace.1to2(w, ..., verbose): You are
## loading an archive from an old RMassBank version. The multiplicity
## filtering results are not loaded from the original object, but recomputed.
## Warning in .updateObject.RmbWorkspace.1to2(w, ..., verbose): If you hand-
## edited any multiplicity filtering results, the information might not be
## retained in the new object.
The recalibration curve:
recal <- makeRecalibration(w@parent,
recalibrateBy = rmbo$recalibrateBy,
recalibrateMS1 = rmbo$recalibrateMS1,
recalibrator = list(MS1="recalibrate.loess",MS2="recalibrate.loess"),
recalibrateMS1Window = 15)
w@rc <- recal$rc
w@rc.ms1 <- recal$rc.ms1
w@parent <- w