Using fgseaMultilevel function


fgseaMultilevel is a new function in fgsea package. The basis of this function is the adaptive multilevel splitting Monte Carlo approach. This approach allows us to exceed the results of simple sampling and calculate arbitrarily small P-value.

Loading necessary libraries


Quick run

Loading example pathways and gene-level statistics:


Running fgseaMultilevel:

fgseaMultilevelRes <- fgseaMultilevel(pathways = examplePathways, 
                                      stats = exampleRanks,

The resulting table contains enrichment scores and p-values:

head(fgseaMultilevelRes[order(pval), ])
##                                            pathway         pval
## 1:                              5990980_Cell_Cycle 5.741082e-27
## 2:                     5990979_Cell_Cycle,_Mitotic 7.539587e-26
## 3:                    5991851_Mitotic_Prometaphase 9.435196e-19
## 4: 5992217_Resolution_of_Sister_Chromatid_Cohesion 1.531671e-17
## 5:                                 5991454_M_Phase 1.522066e-14
## 6:         5991599_Separation_of_Sister_Chromatids 4.186360e-14
##            padj   log2err        ES      NES size
## 1: 3.364274e-24 1.3499257 0.5388497 2.699599  369
## 2: 2.209099e-23 1.3188888 0.5594755 2.774436  317
## 3: 1.843008e-16 1.1146645 0.7253270 2.971880   82
## 4: 2.243897e-15 1.0768682 0.7347987 2.940691   74
## 5: 1.783861e-12 0.9759947 0.5576247 2.576344  173
## 6: 4.088678e-12 0.9653278 0.6164600 2.682275  116
##                                 leadingEdge
## 1: 66336,66977,12442,107995,66442,19361,...
## 2: 66336,66977,12442,107995,66442,12571,...
## 3: 66336,66977,12442,107995,66442,52276,...
## 4: 66336,66977,12442,107995,66442,52276,...
## 5: 66336,66977,12442,107995,66442,52276,...
## 6: 66336,66977,107995,66442,52276,67629,...

The output table is similar in structure to the table obtained using the fgsea function, except for the log2err column. This column corresponds to the standard deviation of the P-value logarithm.

Function argument

Briefly about the approach

Let \(q\) be the initial set of genes of size \(k\) for which we calculate the P-value. Then the general scheme of the algorithm is as follows:

Let \(m_{k,j}\) be the median value of ES for set of \(k\)-size genes obtained at the \(j\) step. As a result, at some step, we obtain that the following relation will be satisfied for the initial set of genes: \[m_{k,j} \leq ES(q) < m_{k,j+1}\] Then the P-value is in the range from \(2^{-j-1}\) to \(2^{-j}\). In addition, we can achieve even better accuracy by using not only the medians themselves, but also the intermediate data.

Compare fgsea vs fgseaMultilevel

Compare fgsea with fgseaMultilevel on example data.


fgseaRes <- fgsea(pathways=examplePathways, stats=exampleRanks,
                  minSize=15, maxSize=500, nperm=10000)

fgseaMultilevelRes <- fgseaMultilevel(pathways=examplePathways, 
                                      minSize=15, maxSize=500, 

logPvalsDf <- data.frame(fgseaData=-log10(fgseaRes$pval),

The following figure compares the P-value calculated using two approaches.

ggplot(logPvalsDf, aes(x=fgseaData, y=fgseaMultilevelData)) +
  geom_point(color='royalblue4', size=3) +
  xlab("Fgsea: -log10(P-value)") +
  ylab("FgseaMultilevel: -log10(P-value)") +
  geom_abline(size=1, color='orangered2') +
  labs(title="Fgsea Vs FgseaMultilevel")

It can be seen that up to a certain value, which is characterized by the parameter \(\dfrac{1}{nperm}\), both algorithms give similar results. In this case, the accuracy of the P-value determination by the gsea algorithm is limited by the parameter \(\dfrac{1}{nperm}\), while the fgseaMultilevel does not have these restrictions.